I have been told if you have drone brood foundation in super you do not need a queen excluder as queen only lays small patches of drone brood then goes back to brood box. has any one got experience of this..
I have been told if you have drone brood foundation in super you do not need a queen excluder as queen only lays small patches of drone brood then goes back to brood box. has any one got experience of this..
I have been told if you have drone brood foundation in super you do not need a queen excluder as queen only lays small patches of drone brood then goes back to brood box. has any one got experience of this..
Do you really want as much as 25% drone brood in your colony? 25% using up honey with no useful input to your crop?
There may indeed B+ but in this instance, I feel safe in thinking this is idiotic advice to give to anyone let alone a beginner.
And then a good advice is covered all kind of rubbish advice layers. Some will fill the whole village with his splended drones, even if there are 100 other hives in the village.
Not at all Finman. Flight cages such as those used at Dol are placed ontop of the drone colonies. Mature drones fly up to the light and may be collected easily. http://www.instrumentelle-besamung.de/fragen-und-antworten/
Some on here would not countenance extracting honey from brooded frames.
That may well occur in natural colonies, but any honey in combs at the end of the year is for winter survival, not for the beekeeper.
RAB I couldn't reconcile this. Do you mind spelling it out? Do you mean "Some on here would not avoid extracting honey from brooded frames"? And by "brooded", "with brood in" or "ever had brood in"?
but any honey in combs at the end of the year is for winter survival, not for the beekeeper.
Do not answer Oliver
put him to use his brains.
No: I cannot think past "that [extraction of honey] may occur in natural colonies." It may not, and needs clarification.
RAB I couldn't reconcile this. Do you mind spelling it out? Do you mean "Some on here would not avoid extracting honey from brooded frames"? And by "brooded", "with brood in" or "ever had brood in"?