Dog Poos ..

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I have a magnetic compass and am not afraid to use it!

(I also have my fathers RAF issue marching compass issued to him in 1939 as a trainee*Sergeant Pilot... and it still works... all be it the radioactive luminescence is a bit faded!)

* navigator

Yeghes da
mine just do it whatever direction their arse is pointing at the time.
You might think that but you had better get your compass out and check ... the science tells a different story ...

What I'm fascinated by is what sort of scientific mind:

A) noticed that it was occurring..
B) decided to study and document it ..

The question I have. ... is how you could commercially harvest this knowledge ?

I've just been watching spring watch and they have discovered that salmon spawn - inside the salmon - all lay in a North South direction inside the fish ... and they can influence the direction they lay in by overriding the earths magnetic field with powerful magnets and the spawn realigned to the magnets they introduced.

In addition the salmon maps it's journey in the sea by tracking the earths magnetic field and the variations in it and it is this retained in their memory that brings them back to spawn in the river where they were born ...

There's something clever about these creatures ability to read the earth's magnetic field and we think that man is the pinnacle of evolution ...
You might think that but you had better get your compass out and check ... the science tells a different story ...
I know exactly where the cardinal points lie around Brynmair - and on their walks, and cn assure you their dumps are entirely random
My dog turns a complete circle whilst he is doing his business. Leaves a perfect stone henge structure behind him. Not sure what that says about him really! Some sort of wag dance perhaps. I'll groan about that one before you do.


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My dog turns a complete circle whilst he is doing his business. Leaves a perfect stone henge structure behind him. Not sure what that says about him really! Some sort of wag dance perhaps. I'll groan about that one before you do.
Yes, ours does many spins too. I was wondering, is it clockwise or anticlockwise for your dog? When you let water out of the sink or bath in Australia, it turns clockwise. Apparently it is anticlockwise in England. I'll check the dog out next time to see which way it spins...
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When you let water out of the sink or bath in Australia, it turns clockwise. Apparently it is anticlockwise in England.
This phenomenon is controlled by what is called the Coriolis Force. This is most easily observed by looking at a weather map which shows regions of low or high atmospheric pressure. Low pressure systems, including storms, hurricanes and the like, rotate clockwise in the southern hemisphere, but anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere
This phenomenon is controlled by what is called the Coriolis Force. This is most easily observed by looking at a weather map which shows regions of low or high atmospheric pressure. Low pressure systems, including storms, hurricanes and the like, rotate clockwise in the southern hemisphere, but anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere
Easier still is to watch which way water spins as it goes down the plughole.
We need someone who lives on the equator (or at least within the tropics). There the Coriolanus Force should change direction between northern summer and southern summer. Does this have a corresponding effect on dog poo? If so then what happens at the equinox? 🙂🙃
I still think Michael Smith’s Ignoble prize from 2015 was the best! 😂
I think our daxies are getting a bit fed up with the attention they're getting today when going about their 'business'
So far today I can confirm that Twts has been peeing or curling one down in a mainly Nor East by South direction, Libby invariably faces East although once this morning she started pooing facing South but then changed direction to East to pinch it off.