Dog Poos ..

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No you didn't - in your haste to find fault you assumed some thing I didn't say - what I said in my first line, was the water flowed 'the wrong way' there (which to me means the opposite to what it does in the UK) nowhere did I mention clockwise or counter clockwise

Yes you did.

..each time I showered, washed the dishes or whatever to watch the water go down the plughole the 'wrong' way even when the water was 'disturbed' (which happened often when I wrung my undercrackers dry before putting them on the washing line) it still flowed anti clockwise.
Coriolis effect

noun: Coriolis effect; noun: Coriolis force; plural noun: Coriolis forces
  1. an effect whereby a mass moving in a rotating system experiences a force (the Coriolis force ) acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation. On the earth, the effect tends to deflect moving objects to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern and is important in the formation of cyclonic weather systems.
Thank you for that reference. However it is not quod erat demonstrandum.
When Coriolis force deflects moving objects (in this case water moving towards a sink) to the right, it results in anti clockwise rotation around the sink - as in the northern hemisphere.
This is why cyclones (low pressure systems - air moving towards a sink - rotate anti clockwise in UK. Anti-cyclones - air moving away from a source - rotate clockwise in UK.
Opposite effect in the southern hemisphere.
Buy Ballots law, as I recall, states that if you stand with your back to the wind in the Northern Hemisphere then low pressure will be found to your left ...

I've often found that apparently useless piece of information inflicted upon me some 60 years ago in my formal education was actually quite useful.

In the Southern Hemisphere - who cares..... ?
Buy Ballots law, as I recall, states that if you stand with your back to the wind in the Northern Hemisphere then low pressure will be found to your left ...

I've often found that apparently useless piece of information inflicted upon me some 60 years ago in my formal education was actually quite useful.

In the Southern Hemisphere - who cares..... ?
Donald Trump is an expert on Ballot’s Law....
Just for the record, both of my dogs spin in a clockwise direction as they prepare to poo, but don’t always end up North South.
Both have an expression of great concentration whilst spinning and pooing if thats of any interest.
Also, when I went on a field trip at school and was staying at Hebden Bridge, the water just went straight down the plug hole so quickly it didn’t have time to start turning.
Yorkshire always has to be different.....
MUST be so Bart says so!

When he was 7, my grandson, Jack came up with a startlingly advanced nugget of knowledge about U.S. politics. When questioned he said was something he had learned on "The Simpsons". ;)
What troubles me most about all this, is how and why do folks get funding for it.
WELL ... it's obviously of immense scientific interest ... and there must be an underlying and not clearly visible commercial application for the knowledge. You rarely see dogs with Hemorrhoids ?
Coriolis force

For all of those who have followed this debate (debacle?), there is an answer.

Why has there been a debate at all? The answer to this question is because so many people have different opinions.

Is it a matter of opinion, concerning the direction of the spin of our planet Earth? No, the facts are easily observable and verifiable.

Has anyone suggested that the rotational direction of high pressure, and low pressure, weather systems is a matter of debate? The facts relating to the rotational direction of storms such as hurricanes and typhoons are easily observable. They are, perhaps, the most easily observable examples of this phenomenon.

I found an interesting website, Why does water going down a plughole spin in one direction in the Northern hemisphere and in the other direction in the Southern? Which way (if any) does it spin on the equator? Also are there any planets which don''t spin? | Notes and Queries |
which addressed this very question, of water going down the plughole.

What I found is an amazing array of opinions – more than 70 – in which a great deal of speculative opinion was expressed (perhaps a bit like on this particular forum).

No matter what your opinion, or what you personally would “prefer” the answer to be, you cannot change the physics of the situation. Someone suggested, “ but one must not Poo Poo science!”.

I found reference to an old proverb, “You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink”, which means that you can give someone an opportunity but not force them to take it. Another way to express that explanation is that you can show someone the facts, but you cannot make them believe.

Perhaps the real reason why there has been so much unscientific, argumentative dispute on this discussion thread is because of the different observations which people have made. People have made different observations, because in very small scale situations (like a wash-basin plughole) the Coriolis force is small.

I repeat my earlier answer: And now, just to answer the question, about which way the water spins as it goes down the plughole - the Coriolis force is comparatively weak, especially when observed in small-scale situations. The Coriolis force is very real, and can be observed easily in things like low pressure atmospheric events. But it is not so easy to observe at the bathtub plughole because even the smallest amount of turbulence which you may have created in the water, either before or after you pulled the plug, can easily over-ride a predicted result.
Just an update
Yesterday Twts did the business facing ENE by North (twice) Libby once Dead East and once E by South
This morning, both were facing a definite dead East.
Just an update
Yesterday Twts did the business facing ENE by North (twice) Libby once Dead East and once E by South
This morning, both were facing a definite dead East.

Not everything is always plain and simple Mr JBM - Especially with regards to Poo !
What about Odour & prevailing winds?
Would / could this not have an impact?
I found reference to an old proverb, “You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink”, which means that you can give someone an opportunity but not force them to take it.
And you can give people entertaining comments to brighten their day but you can't make people have a sense of humour..
Just for the record, both of my dogs spin in a clockwise direction as they prepare to poo, but don’t always end up North South.
Both have an expression of great concentration whilst spinning and pooing if thats of any interest.
Have you ever studied a cats expression as it defecate? Pure contentment!😁