Direct Debit Transfer ...... Moan

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House Bee
Jan 10, 2012
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Manchester UK
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I recently opened a Santander 1-2-3 current account.

One of the conditions was that the account should have 2 direct debits on it.
I arranged for my monthly Council Tax as one. No problem.
At the same time I asked Pop Telecom to transfer my direct debit to the Santander account. Only weeks later, I discovered that this had not gone through. As a result, I am pounds out of pocket. Santander tell me that they make the change as soon as they receive the mandate.

I blame Pop Telecom but have had unhelpful response to my complaint. This is not the first issue I have had with them. When my contract expires, I will be looking for a new provider.

I believe that Asda credit can also be slow in transferring a direct debit.

Having a moan like this saves it stewing with me. It can also serve as a cautionary tale for other members.
Did you use a direct debit form with it's DD guarantee?
I recently opened a Santander 1-2-3 current account.

One of the conditions was that the account should have 2 direct debits on it.
. . . . When my contract expires, I will be looking for a new provider.


So they'll have you for charges again? :calmdown:
Same old stories with these cheap internet providers, remember that's why they are cheap.
why didn't you use the current account transfer service. if it goes wrong then you get comp and you don't have to do the hard work.

they are advertising it all the time on tv at the moment.

MSE Quote "If you haven't switched bank accounts in the last few years, you'll find that the process is now much quicker and easier than it used to be.

This is because 'seven-day switching' was introduced in September 2013, meaning switching accounts is now – for the majority – quick, easy and completely pain-free. All you need to do is open a new account, then use their switching service to close your old account and move everything across.
Under the scheme (provided your existing bank's signed up), a switch takes seven working days, all payments going in, eg, salary, and out, eg, utility bill direct debits, will be moved to your new account, and any wrongly applied charges will be refunded. "

Alldigging ..... I cannot remember doing a paper mandate form for any of my direct debits. Any set ups or transfers have been done online or by phone to customer service at the recipient firm/organisation.

When I phoned service at Pop I got no joy with the level 1 operator. I asked to speak to a supervisor. I had a moan to her. No committed response but the transfer has been made now. If my initial request had been treated with the same promptness there would have been no problem.

Dpearce .... I am aware of the C/A switching service. I have used it in the past. On this occasion, I had reasons for not using it. Once things have settled down I will be making a switch.

Thanks all for your input.

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