Queen Bee
I want to leave the boxed bees close to their chosen site for a couple of days but not sure how close I can get it. Any ideas on the furthest distance I could leave the box away from the original site or or is it the old 3ft rule?
If you are hoping that returning bees will find the colony entrance, then yes that is about the distance you can move the entrance.
However, with the entrance being a gap in the slates ...
During swarm collection, you'd perfume the old site with something, and rely on the Nasonov fanners to call in the stragglers. I'd guess you might do something similar if you left your box in the room directly under where the wild combs had been before you cut them away.
But I would actually suggest that getting the largest possible number of bees off-site, as quickly as possible (end of Day 1?) has to be the simplest route to completion.
Don't forget that "swarm lures" like lemongrass will help attract any stragglers into your bait hive ...