Crossword Puzzle

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Mike a

Drone Bee
Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Between 17-20
Bit of fun for X-mas



2. Reverend ?
5. Tongue
6. Embossed hex sheet
8. Fanning gland
15. Chemical message
16. Small hive
18. Made of wax
19. Winter food
23. Bee protein
24. Bee glue
27. Adams bee
29. Liquid reward
32. Autumn nectar and pollen plant
33. Double walled hive
34. Winter warmth
35. Holds foundation
36. Most popular hive in the UK


1. 3/8th of an inch
3. Aphid Nectar
4. Male bee
7. Used to smell
9. Apitoxin - Liquid pain
10. Egg layer
11. Middle section of a bee
12. Hive site
13. Honey is made from this
14. Hive without frames
17. Trifoliums - White and Red
20. Light sensors
21. Straw hive
22. ? Mellifera
25. Winter treatment
26. A.m Italian
28. 1 breathing pore
30. Fumidil B may help
31. Destructor

Send me a PM if you think you've solved it with all your answers.
Aaaahhh! and I had my day planned - well tomorrow is another day - for cleaning!
Hmm - 2 across, - clue anyone??

and thanks for taking the time to construct it-:hurray:
always learning- didnt know he was a Rev! now just the light sensors- but if what I think is right -then another wrong- like dropping a stitch when knitting.....
Updated version of the crossword itself as the numbers weren't too clear.

Thanks for that Mike - I had to look up the spelling of 26 down. For some reason I have always pronounced and spelt it with an "n" as the 3rd letter:banghead:

Got the rest - eventually - without reverting to google:seeya:
Thanks for that Mike - I had to look up the spelling of 26 down. For some reason I have always pronounced and spelt it with an "n" as the 3rd letter:banghead:

Got the rest - eventually - without reverting to google:seeya:

So far two people have completed it... both said they struggled with Q20. I got the spelling for Q26 from Wiki which I hope is the proper spelling.. :eek:

completed it sometime before 6am. Haven't had time to write down answers to email as too busy making up alternate (sometimes cryptic) clues for some questions to help/hinder other people (you know who you are).

No-one do Latin out there???? - "Little eyes"

Also sounds a bit like a small south american leopard.
Completed in less than 20 mins - answers were no bother but their placings were! My printed copy was far from clear - I need a new printer drum on the printer so reading the clues was difficult as well as the numbering clarity!

I will fit the new drum in the next twenty minutes!

Regards, RAB
Yes, I know who I am!! After a couple of drinks maybe not so sure- but I did complete it.

Gratias tibi ago
Finished! :hurray:

But I only got 2 across after Heathers tip, and I spelt 20 down wrong having checked afterwards- so no cigar. :sifone: But good fun- thanks Mike.
Bee Crossword

Thanks for doing that Mike, had to look some up, but that's how you learn.
Still not got 20 down yet but will track it down in the end.
Thanks again,
Tony & Sue
Took about 10-15 minutes to do what I could, but couldn't remember 26 and 28 down and am unsure what 14 across should be, as I changed my 9 down when I remembered what 8 across might be. So, all but three.

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