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House Bee
May 8, 2010
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For my sins I've just volunteered as our Association Swarm Co-ordinator. Talking to last years swarm collectors (including myself) we had a lot of problems with Council Pest Control Officers passing people with Bumble Bee problems straight to the local beekeepers, because of this some of our swarm collectors have given up this year. In order to prevent this we probably need to arrange an information session for council pest control officers.

Does anybody have any information that they have passed onto councils in the past to aid them. What have other associations done in the past to combat this problem?

I don't get involved with collecting swarms apart from one that may just come my way but the other day someone mentioned try and get the caller to text you a photo of what they are calling about. Sounds like a good idea to me and may weed out a few calls.
Started doing that last year. Found it quite useful.

Unfortunately two of our local councils have seemed to of decided that anything small and buzzy is the Beekeepers problem and just pass the general public straight to us. We need to give them some sort of flow chart / lookup table to help them weed out the bumbles and the wasps.

Steve, I suspect you'll be fighting a losing battle. Might be easier to just set yourselves up with an 0845 number so people can pay for the privilege of a beekeeper explaining the difference between bumbles and honey bees. I doubt it would deter genuine swarm calls.
Steve, I suspect you'll be fighting a losing battle. Might be easier to just set yourselves up with an 0845 number so people can pay for the privilege of a beekeeper explaining the difference between bumbles and honey bees. I doubt it would deter genuine swarm calls.

Love the idea of an 0845 number.

any pest control officer worth his salt know the difference , its the people in the office that needs re-educating as its them that pass the customer on to the beekeeper , saving them time and money sending there staff on calls that don't collect a charge from , our office used to do that and pass it onto the beekeepers, and the beekeepers tell the customer to get back in touch with the council, we was told that by the customer who we charge for removal of wasp nests etc.
Steve, I suspect you'll be fighting a losing battle. Might be easier to just set yourselves up with an 0845 number so people can pay for the privilege of a beekeeper explaining the difference between bumbles and honey bees. I doubt it would deter genuine swarm calls.

Sounds like a good idea! I gave up on swarms all together few years back because of bumbles. Problem is not everyone is so useful with technology to send a picture to me.
Yes, yeogi. It is not education that is lacking in many cases. Everyone is trying it on! I usually get to the bottom of it before I set off. It is a question of asking the right questions. In the end the customer is too embarrassed to be sooo ignorant.
last year its was 20 bumbles calls to one swarm call

it s getting rather a problem as all the councils in our area are cutting back staff and the obect of the council telephone service seems to be get rid of a call as quickly as possible

Talking to the BBKA they experiencedthe the same high level of hits on the bumble part of the BBKA swarm site

though with the wet winter weather i expect less bumble calls this year
I always ask for some info on bee situation. Start with.. how many bees are you seeing.. when they say at least 10, I say when 10,000 call me back, politely explaining what they have seen are prob Bumbles and to enjoy them. Many times they are reassured and agree to leave.
Are they yellow... again. No-no.. call council and tell them- wasp nest.
I found it a good opportunity to educate, but I have the time to give and will talk bees with all I meet.
Maybe if we did do a call out charge if it is found to be Bumbles they may learn quicker.
But MM, have seen many queen Bumbles in last few days.
...But MM, have seen many queen Bumbles in last few days.
Likewise. If the weather holds, expect a lot of bumbles. Early starters not so happy if we get a cold spell though.
Hi all,
Also, seen lots of bumble bee queens out and about. Last summer had 50 or so every day on my lavender. Bees never went near them whilst the year before they were happy to forage on them! In competition for the same forage bumbles will win?
As stated earlier it's the office staff that put the call through. I had 278 calls last year and most were for the tree bumble. I told people £5 to take a look if they insisted which they did? so then put it up to £20 and still people wanted me to go check them out. Eventually if they were unwilling to take my advice to leaving them be I informed them to phone pest control.

Tryed the education bit with council didn't work. Was thinking about sending them my bill bet they would stop then
I work with pest control officers and believe me they are trained to know the difference between a bumble, wasp and honey bees, the problem we have is the office staff taking the calls don't, and don't ask the right questions or not recieving the right descriptions but clearly a breakdown somewhere. I always ask for the phone number and speak to the person direct to eliminate confusion.
I used to be on my local council call list for swarms,I ended getting up to 5-6 calls a day from joe public 99% bumblebees. I don't mind giving advice but it was costing a fortune in fuel,so I give it up..
As stated earlier it's the office staff that put the call through. I had 278 calls last year and most were for the tree bumble. I told people £5 to take a look if they insisted which they did? so then put it up to £20 and still people wanted me to go check them out. Eventually if they were unwilling to take my advice to leaving them be I informed them to phone pest control.

Tryed the education bit with council didn't work. Was thinking about sending them my bill bet they would stop then

had one the other way, usual questions, "not many", "in flat roof","never seen a swarm from them", yes they are black and a bit of lighter colour"

ok probabley Tree Bumbles, , just thought i would look as i was passing later in the day it turned out to be a really big colony of Italian Honey bees
I had many bumble bee calls last year. I always try to be polite and convince the caller that the bumbles are an asset. We are fortunate that we have a local private pest controller who specialises in relocating bumbles for a modest fee. I pass callers on to him along with the wasp enquiries. In return any bee swarms he passes to me.
SWMBO has got quite cute at judging calls she thinks may be bumbles or wasps and the callers are hoping for a free removal service. If she has any doubts she tells the caller that if her 'miserable old b'stard' drives 15 miles and wastes an hour of his time he will charge for the service. It is surprising how many people review their ideas of which bees they are blessed with.
A brief explanation as to the difference between BB & HB a web link to useful pics can help [association web site should help here]

Clear explanation that you do not do BB and if they wish you still to call agreement that a charge is due [we do £20 in the local area] if they are found to be BB, and no you can not do anything about them as you are now there!

if you are new to being the asso/swarm contact you will be surprised how many will try that one!

You will still get those that wish to argue that they should not pay in spite of all of the above, press firmly but don't argue and walk away, they will be life's counter the genuinely concerned people who will not only want to pay you more but supply the tea a biscuits.

As in life, exceptions will always apply, for us it young people with kids and BB in silly / genuinely unsafe locations.

If you are new to the swarm collecting aspect I would strongly advise that being realistic about what is collectable swarm, sometimes its just not worth the risk no matter how enthusiastic you are :)

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