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Over the last few years I have been on the list of a couple or three local councils for dealing with Honey Bee swarms.

As others have said at least one of the councils seemed to refer every caller with flying insects my way!

The most local councils pest controller will go and inspect before calling me and asking politely if I can deal with it. He always is very descriptive about the size and location of the swarm and tells me what I may need (in terms of equipment) to be able to collect it.

Although I no longer actively call the councils each year to remind them of my services, the local officer still calls me occasionally and I still attend to those swarms if I am available as he is a pleasure to work with.

In terms of dealing with calls direct from the public:-

If possible ask them to take a photo and email it to you.

Ask them to describe the bees and location they are in.

Number of bees (as pointed out if it's not 100s to 1000s then it's not likely to be a swarm).

There are several ways to weed out the none HB related calls.

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