Could this be chilled brood?

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House Bee
Nov 15, 2009
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This evening I was going through some of the brood frames I removed last weekend. On one of them (only one) I found a small batch of about 30 cells showing unsealed larvae as per the pics attached.

In going through my DEFRA pamphlet on Foul Brood, the only one it seems to match is Chilled Brood.

I would be grateful if the more experienced beeks might be able to offer a view or comment?
Looks like it to me but give your local bee inspector a call to double check.
Over the weekend, when there was a warm shirt-sleeves sort of day, I changed over from a BS brood box to a 14x12.

I did that by transferring 7 (yes, yes, I know I know, probably too many) BS brood frames that looked successful (ie lots of brood, pollen and some stores) into the 14x12 box, and by removing 5 of the less-successful-looking BS brood frames. The 14x12 box got filled up with an additional five 14x12-sized frames of foundation; plus feed in an eke above the new hive.

So I took away the 5 BS brood frames and last night (ie 4 days later) inspected them more closely - out of curiousity, as an opportunity to learn by scrutinising the brood frames at a more leisurely pace than is possible when working in the actual hive. And that's when I found this small batch of chilled brood.

I'm guessing it got chilled between the weekend and last night; rather than when it was in the hive.
It looks like chilled brood to me.

I'm guessing it got chilled between the weekend and last night; rather than when it was in the hive.

That seems to be the natural explanation. If dead brood like this was found in a 'live' hive then, and as I am sure you are aware of, that is exactly the type of thing to be suspicious of.
Sounds reasonable explanation. Long time ago I noticed that when I revolve the boxes or change the order of brood frames, bees cannot keep all warm. that is why I enlarge first time putting the new box under tthe brood box.

Even if the weather is fine. It may be what ever during a week. And nights are cold.

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