New Bee
I plan to expand my operation and build many more beehives. I'm developing back problems at too young of an age, and I struggle to lift a full 10 frame honey super. I've also noticed that the bees don't tend to fill the outer frames of a deep, 10 frame super. It's evident to me that deep, 10 frame supers are not optimal for honey production. The use of them seems most suitable for a system involving queen bee excluders, with the deeps being used for the brood chamber. They may be ideal when using queen excluders, but I feel queen excluders are not ideal for anything other than comb production, but I'm really unsure. Investing in deep 10s, the standard, seems none-worthwhile. From what I've been reading, 10 frame seems to be the standard due to how the Langstroth Hive was originally designed, it was arbitrarily made a 10 frame system. Many people seem to be converting towards an 8 frame system. It seems overall, advantageous, on the account of the deep size for 10 frames being too large and inflexible for my tastes.
I note that 10 frame mediums are just about as heavy as 8 frame deeps. I simulated this weight and lifted it, and found it to be quite heavy but manageable, just at my peak. Something to take into consideration, is 8 frame system tends to encourage building upwards, rather than expanding sideways. In Australia, I believe beekeepers often need to transport hives around: it might be easier for me if they weren't as tall when doing so. Furthermore, I have most of my beehives at a good sight (my property) that has a big ant problem: I've needed to put the beehives on a stand to redeem such, my big 10 frame 4 deep beehive might be too tall as an 8 frame hive, and the hive could still grow yet.
Where I live, 10 frames is the standard. I'm interested in building beehives and selling my inventory to the public, so conforming to the 10 frame standard may be better for business. I may be able to find more profitable deals on gumtree, if I'm seeking 10 frames, instead of 8 frames. I already own about 30 supers for 10 frame deeps. I have large ambitions in beekeeping, and if an 8 frame setup is better for me, I'd rather invest in such now, before I'm too committed towards 10 frames.
I note that 10 frame mediums are just about as heavy as 8 frame deeps. I simulated this weight and lifted it, and found it to be quite heavy but manageable, just at my peak. Something to take into consideration, is 8 frame system tends to encourage building upwards, rather than expanding sideways. In Australia, I believe beekeepers often need to transport hives around: it might be easier for me if they weren't as tall when doing so. Furthermore, I have most of my beehives at a good sight (my property) that has a big ant problem: I've needed to put the beehives on a stand to redeem such, my big 10 frame 4 deep beehive might be too tall as an 8 frame hive, and the hive could still grow yet.
Where I live, 10 frames is the standard. I'm interested in building beehives and selling my inventory to the public, so conforming to the 10 frame standard may be better for business. I may be able to find more profitable deals on gumtree, if I'm seeking 10 frames, instead of 8 frames. I already own about 30 supers for 10 frame deeps. I have large ambitions in beekeeping, and if an 8 frame setup is better for me, I'd rather invest in such now, before I'm too committed towards 10 frames.