Anybody know what a queenless roar sounds like ?
IMHO the most likely scenario to explain the ops description is this. The bees in the super have been deliberately made queenless to take advantage of their biology to clear the supers, its a temporary situation quickly resolved by them rejoining their queen and leaving the supers clear for harvesting. Job done.
To other suggestions:
-orderly queue following each other out= pretty much exactly what happens
-brushing bees from the frames=much, much more "distress" for the hapless invertebrates and the hopeless great ape
-not posting an honest opinion just in case its wrong or could possibly cause confusion=this is forum bullying, I think people should post what they like so long as they're prepared for it to be shot down if its gobshite
Three pages of answers before bees roaring is associated with queenlessness(sorry Veg, I've already
'ed to your "isolation"), disgraceful from any experienced beekeepers jumping on the "distress" bandwagon.
All IMHO of course, happy honey gathering