Itld thank you very much for taking the time to reply very helpful.Can I just ask what strength is the washing soda mix and for how long do you dip?
5% for this as well but it can be approximate. It cleans frames very effectively at half that. We have a 300 litre tank (was our honey mixing tank until the late 90's)...filled about 80% about 240kg of water. Add in half of a 25kg sack of sodium carbonate. Have two very big gas burners under it....light and bring to the boil...which dissolves and circulates the soda without other methods.
Frames bundled in 10s..or thereabouts...and put in at one end of the tank once solution is boiling. These are just frames after the combs have been cut out to go into the wax have wax nd propolis still on them. Every 3 mins or so add another bundle...and after about 5 or 6 minutes pull the bundle out from the other end, quick clear off with the pressure washer...and allow to dry. Its great when using prewired frames as the wires are undisturbed unless you were a bit heavy handed during the cut out can virtually go straight for rewaxing once dry.
So one person can boil a boxful every 3 or 4 minutes this way...probably allow 10 if just doing one bundle at a time. You get about 100 boxfuls through before it gets too soupy and you need to run it off and refill. In practice we only run one tank a day but COULD do two.....if other people did the bundling and restacking.
Will post a few permitting.

1. The rather vile it was left on Friday

2. Bundled ready for going in on Monday

3. Ones boiled on Thursday or Friday

4. 2 Days stack drying before palletising or boxing.

5. End result after waxing......bundled ready to go into boxes when needed.
All the above done from 30th to 31st Dec.
And these old frames, despite their rather grey look, result in clean looking colonies....the below were part of a shook swarm experiment in late October...referred to on twitter threads. No extraneous material on the wood. Links with other themes I refer to on twitter.....the comb shown is the very top one in the box with bees....drawn like this some time between last days of Oct and 15th Nov. Crosses between threads and themes I know...but note the total lack of drone cells on these very late drawn combs.

Hive pics taken yesterday...NYD 1/1/22