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What a good idea...
What about this one?

Edit - just to keep the BBKA syncronized handwringing team happy, and ensure MBK doesn't get his knickers further into a twist.................................... a load of humbug :D


  • 250px-Mint_humbugs.jpg
    8.9 KB · Views: 6
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JBM, I hope you have paid for the rights to use the humbug picture. Did I imagine reading something about the Bbka website getting in to trouble recently with regards using unpaid for images? I might have imagined it??
I think if they don't want anyone to see or use the picture they should not leave it lying around on the internet, for all to see or use, much safer if they kept it secure in a folder or cardboard box at home, or just on a private part of their personal computer, well out of view from the general public.
if they are not for commercial use and not water marked I can't see a problem.
Hope you got permission to use that "stock" image otherwise it could get expensive

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Good \god - that sounds like the sort of sh!t you'd read on a BBKA publication
ensure MBK doesn't get his knickers further into a twist

I am really not bothered and was only trying to save you a few quid . Lawyers for such companies are often quick to act over breeches of copyright. Next time JBM I won't bother if that is your negative attitude. The stock image that caused BBKA problems was posted on their forum by a forum member and nearly cost them a £2400 license fee.
I wouldn't worry to much about photographs on this site as they only seem to last a few weeks then disappear.

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