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May 25, 2023
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My cappings from one apiary are much more yellow than white and the honey darker than usual...any ideas why or what the forage is?
Could well be. Never seen yellow cappings before tho.
Depends when they stored/capped the honey... dandelions often give yellow wax but the honey isn't that dark....I've given up trying to guess what the honey comes out like or what its from. Unless you take them to a single crop such as the heather or you have fields of OSR nearby its almost impossible to tell. Those that claim single source honey when their hives are located in a mixed forage area are generally delusional....
Depends when they stored/capped the honey... dandelions often give yellow wax but the honey isn't that dark....I've given up trying to guess what the honey comes out like or what its from. Unless you take them to a single crop such as the heather or you have fields of OSR nearby its almost impossible to tell. Those that claim single source honey when their hives are located in a mixed forage area are generally delusional....
I think the yellow cappings are a mixture of dandelions and hawkbits, similar to dandelion. The honey I've realized,is heather! Trouble extracting it, so will give what doesn't spin back to the bees. First time I've had heather, the wet July must have done it.

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