New Bee

Camellias are flowering in the south west and soon will be all over the south of England. Since Camellias come from the part of the world where Asian Hornet originates, these flowers, especially the single forms,are favourites of Vespa velutina founding queens to refuel as they make their flights out of hibernation to find new primary nest sites. They will however feed from any spring flowering shrub that produces a good nectar supply. So this gives us a good chance of spotting these queens. We are asking all beekeepers , gardeners, and public to watch out for Asian Hornets visiting camellias or any shrubs in their gardens

All members of this forum will know all this but it is worth saying it all again
If you think you have seen this insect try to get a photograph and report it to:
[email protected]
The NAtional Bee unit will not act unless they get positive evidence like a good photograph or physical specimen but they will alert AHATs in the area of the report. Members of Asian Hornet Action Teams will then be asked to investigate suspicious sightings and report back.
BBKA has asked all branches to form AHATs and register them for the map which can be found on the BBKA website and going to the Asian Hornet pages.
NBU will use the information from the map to get in touch with AHATs to enlist their help with Sightings
If you would like more information you can go to the BBKA and NBU websites or visit:
PLease Help us by watching and reporting.

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