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I am using a number of Trevor frames, I curse them every time I work the hives. My dear departed pal bequethed them to me, he custom made them but thought random sizing and not using a tape measure was a cool method. Not being one to waste I have modified to a sort of Hoffman style. We are talking of 100 plus new wax foundation brood and super. Fortunately my girls don't know any better and tolerate the idiot who cares for them
I am using a number of Trevor frames, I curse them every time I work the hives. My dear departed pal bequethed them to me, he custom made them but thought random sizing and not using a tape measure was a cool method. Not being one to waste I have modified to a sort of Hoffman style. We are talking of 100 plus new wax foundation brood and super. Fortunately my girls don't know any better and tolerate the idiot who cares for them
I have some of my original home made frames still in my supers ... they are not that random fortunately as I set up a jig when I made them ... but ... they don't sit well in my extractor and I was cursing them this week as I tried to squish them into the Lega. In the end they got propped at an angle and it was fine but I had visions of them finding their way into orbit when I turned the speed up (fortunately centrifugal force was strong enough to hold them in place).
I bought the wrong frames by mistake and had to use spacers on them.
Complete rubbish, useless.
Manleys don't need spacers - they are self spacing, they were based on a modification Manley made to Hoffman frames
Nothing; comment is entertaining but justification & explanation is more useful.

Manley ran 1000 colonies before the war and must have had good reason to design a frame with parallel sides. That design difference results in an ideal frame for comb honey production.
I find that the bees propolise them so they become one entity. Trying to pryse them out of a super is frustrating at best destructive at worst. SN1's with proper catelations IMO.
the bees propolise them
Agree, but as I said earlier, that sells well at market. It's another job but another revenue opportunity.

they become one entity
Nice! No shifting of frames and leaky cappings when barrowing boxes over bumpy ground.

pryse them out of a super is frustrating at best destructive
Yes, that can be trouble, but they come out easily if you bang the whole box onto two blocks of wood the width of a box of bottom bars.

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