Stand the supers on their roofs for a few minutes before blowing and the beees let go easier
Hi there.
I also find this a funny thread to be honest.
I am a weekend beek and need to travel 30km to get to my apiaries. But apart from the few commercial beeks that really have no time to mess about because of the sheer amount of hives they have, most of us have less than 20 colonies if I am not mistaken.
Bee keeping is supposed to be relaxing. Take your time. It shouldn't be something that you limit to an hour a week during the season and that's it. If more things need to be done we just cram them in that hour....need to get back indoors quickly before "Home and Away" starts?
Why keep bees if you haven't got 5-10 mins. per hive per year to clear the supers manually?
You buy machines to save yourselves 3 hours of work with your bees per year?
Take a frame and hold it over the brood box and give the back of your holding hand a healthy knock with the other and most of the bees will drop from the frame and run off into the brood box. The few that are left can be brushed into the brood box with a winged feather.
All you need is a spare super to put the frames into. Simple. 20 seconds per frame - a super should be done in 3-4 mins.
Plus, a little bit of manual labour in bee keeping lets you appreciate your products more.
So what I am saying is - if your not a professional beek - don't bother with a blower!
Just my humble thoughts to that topic.