Bird Feet

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You should always try that sort of thing when on holiday as you will probably never get the chance again. 😀
Duck tongues and chickens feet were two of many we tried in China. The tongues were quite pleasant but the feet were like sucking gelatine out of miniature rubber gloves. But at least I know that. 🤣
You’re right but we just couldn’t stomach it, as when the lid was lifted the smell was just like when we are mucking out our free range chicken sheds on our farm 🤢


Found in the north-west of Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man; may move further south in winter.

Ceredigion is a hell of a lot further South than the isle of man, although I can't recall seeing any on my frequent visits to that isle either
Ceredigion is a hell of a lot further South than the isle of man, although I can't recall seeing any on my frequent visits to that isle either
Yes, like I said - rare - but with climate change we are seeing all sorts of creatures in places they have never been seen before. Who knows ?
Ceredigion is a hell of a lot further South than the isle of man, although I can't recall seeing any on my frequent visits to that isle either
Sighted by the Welsh Ornithological Society in its 2020 report and listed as a rare migratory bird.
For those less widely read or travelled ... Keep your eyes open - as Ceredigion heads towards Equatorial Guinea in terms of its climate you never know ..
numerous sighting on the South coast of engerlund for years. A couple reported most years in Wales - one was seen not far from one of my apiaries a good few years ago - but it was scared off my an agressive dodo.
numerous sighting on the South coast of engerlund for years. A couple reported most years in Wales - one was seen not far from one of my apiaries a good few years ago - but it was scared off my an agressive dodo.
I heard a Dodo had escaped from it's glass box in the Natural History Museum ...

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