biggest swarm yet....

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House Bee
Sep 6, 2013
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This is my 1st year in bees offering a swarm collection service as well as full pest control.

What a bruiser this was, and such a pleasure in retrieving....

Basket on a pole they swiftly fell in, tipping them onto a sheet, the queen was easily spotted and retrieved.

the customer (who was charged for this service) commented how easy it looked.
My comments were ...... you get what you pay for me love'............:calmdown:

This is my 1st year in bees offering a swarm collection service as well as full pest control.

What a bruiser this was, and such a pleasure in retrieving....

Basket on a pole they swiftly fell in, tipping them onto a sheet, the queen was easily spotted and retrieved.

the customer (who was charged for this service) commented how easy it looked.
My comments were ...... you get what you pay for me love'............:calmdown:

Had a swarm a few days back must have been from a langstroth as it wouldn't fit in a national, had to use a plastic barrel instead of a skep - late swarms in our area it seems (derbys here)
must have been from a langstroth as it wouldn't fit in a national

Non comprendez. Why should that be so? I can think of several options without assuming it to be ex-langstroth.