Bees v Wasps we are winning but

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abbot ale

New Bee
Mar 5, 2013
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Thanks for all advice Ive reduced entrance to one bee width, set wasp traps and my bees seem to be on top judging by amount of dead wasps under entrance. Ive found an underground wasp nest which is fairly near to hives. Don't want to use ant powder in case it gets to hive nor dig it up and release them into the area. So what's a good method of getting rid of an underground nest?
Hosepipe if available, bowser if not

Petrolis better, as it fumigates them- you might be surprised how many wasps bo to the top in water (though fairy liquid would help.

I did one yesterday- poured half a pint of petrol down, early in the morning when not many were flying- then sealed the hole with squirty wasp foam as belt and braces- though to be honest a heap of soil probably would have done it.

Do it at night though so you get the most of them, other wise you will just end up with a lot of homeless stragglers who will seek revenge!!!

If I could only find the nest was thinking of trying this idea from: 25Aug Limousin Lass 02.24pm. Is it legal in this country? Is it the same sulphur you can use in greenhouses?
At the moment put MAQS in Monday, couldn't bring myself to remove the entrance block. So reluctantly, as 2 wasps were circling the hive, put the 'normal' 3" entrance block in instead of the reduced wasp entrance. By Tues far more wasps so put the reduced block back in, removed the half inserted varroa board and hoped for the best.
I'd had the inspection board in for the previous 7 days and only seen 27 varroa in that time. Glad I did treat them as even with only half a board in place a couple of hundred varroa in 24 hours.
Today the bees are fighting hard and so far have stopped the wasps entering. Two wasp traps which they are ignoring and only a few wasps going to the 'past it' blackberries round the field.
Lost my one hive last year and really hoping not to repeat that experience, so disheartening.
Thanks for all advice Ive reduced entrance to one bee width, set wasp traps and my bees seem to be on top judging by amount of dead wasps under entrance. Ive found an underground wasp nest which is fairly near to hives. Don't want to use ant powder in case it gets to hive nor dig it up and release them into the area. So what's a good method of getting rid of an underground nest?
Ive not tried this so it may be wrong but I was told that the contents of a tub of ant powder down their nest really works.
I am having problems with the flippin things trying to get at my stored wet supers. I store them in large (takes 4 supers) lidded polystyrene boxes and the wasps are biting their way through the sides. I have been sealing each hole with Gaffer tape but with 30+ supers I am going to need a lot of tape! Going to try and seal each box with cling film tonight to try and stop them....worst year I can remember for the yellow perils
I am having problems with the flippin things trying to get at my stored wet supers. I store them in large (takes 4 supers) lidded polystyrene boxes and the wasps are biting their way through the sides. I have been sealing each hole with Gaffer tape but with 30+ supers I am going to need a lot of tape! Going to try and seal each box with cling film tonight to try and stop them....worst year I can remember for the yellow perils

That's interesting. I store mine stacked on top of each other with a crown board top and bottom in my bee shed. Every year they get in the shed but never get into the wooden or poly supers. Perhaps you should just stack them simply like mine and forget the boxes?
Ive not tried this so it may be wrong but I was told that the contents of a tub of ant powder down their nest really works.
I am having problems with the flippin things trying to get at my stored wet supers. I store them in large (takes 4 supers) lidded polystyrene boxes and the wasps are biting their way through the sides. I have been sealing each hole with Gaffer tape but with 30+ supers I am going to need a lot of tape! Going to try and seal each box with cling film tonight to try and stop them....worst year I can remember for the yellow perils

Can you paint the boxes with masonry paint? seems to work on poly hives.

Have completely wrapped two in cling film, so far the wasps seem not to like landing on the film. I will let you know if it works

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