Please stop the feed .
Definitely do not feed honey ,especially supermarket stuff (if you do you will definitely cause and out break of foul brood)
Get as much info as you can before obtaining bees by what ever route, this will save a hell of a lot of heart ache and frustration !
Take your attempt at attracting a swarm to your hive .
Had you been successful , where would the swarm build their comb ?
Do you have frames of foundation in there?
No one on here is attempting to dissuade you from beekeeping , we all wish you well but we must point out the necessity of knowing what you are doing!
Bee's are very unforgiving when it comes to bad management and therefore a course or a mentor is essential , fora and books can not give you the hands on experience required before venturing into the world of beekeeping and the responsibility needed for the bees and to your neighbours.
Welcome to the forum .
If you feel you have just stood on a hornets nest ,worry not we are on your side
John Wilkinson