Bees build extension

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Jun 8, 2010
Reaction score
Dartmoor edge, uk
Hive Type
Number of Hives
5...2 wooden National, 2 poly Nat & 1 poly nuc...bursting at the seams
Having left the hive alone for 2 weeks following the placement of Apilife and a rearrange, I thought to have a quick check today as it was 23 deg. This is what I found over the QE! They now have much more space!!
So, we are assuming you had an empty super on your queen excluder. You do realize you need to give them a super, like, pronto.
For some reason my husband had left an empty super on top of the bb to hold frames in need of cleaning (when I am ill my Husband tries to help...a little knowedge is a dangerous thing) and YES OBVIOUSLY I immediately placed a super on top of the BB full of frames...only an ***** wouldn't! I also thought the comment They now have much more space made it clear I had done so...!!
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I'm amazed they built so much upwards. I would have expected them to build down from the crownboard. Clever little things, and without the aid of scaffolding!

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