been making frames

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Queen Bee
Feb 18, 2010
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Isle Of Wight
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How long is a piece of string
As i now have a new toy i thought i would try making some frames :smash: . I
have been thinking about this for a while and today was the day to start.
I have made hofman frames shallow although deep are next on my list :) .
I have made them so as to use wire as it is alot simpler for me to make them.
Cost wise i have not worked it out properly, but i bought a lenth of wood
3m long about 48mm thick by about 132mm for £7.00

So far i have also made 6 mini frames for one of my mating nucs i made today.I have another one to put together.I am going to put 3 mini frames in each one.The best way if you are going to make frames is to rip lots of one part at a time then jig up for the next part of the frame. :smash:
I bought a lenth of wood
3m long about 48mm thick by about 132mm for £7.00

Friend was walking past a building site and spotted the foreman and asked him if he had any old scaffolding planks going for free or cheap to make up a long hive stand. The foreman gave him have two and even delivered them as well. Pays to be cheeky some times :biggrinjester:
I have seen a skip full of wood that i could do with.I might ask them as i don't know if they are chucking it or had it delivered for fire wood.
I make all my frames now. I find them bloody expensive to buy, the foundation is enough without doubling the cost for frames too.

Once you get setup its not too much trouble.

I feel a video coming on :sifone: but then everyone will get all jelous of my tenoning jig! LOL
Once you get setup its not too much trouble.

I agree,easy,have just cut out 5000 hoffman frames.
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it's the postage to the island that makes it worst for me. but yes easy once you get started. where do you get the wire from? at the mo i have to get it from thornes but is there anywhere cheaper, eyelets also.
As i now have a new toy i thought i would try making some frames :smash: .
I have made them so as to use wire as it is a lot simpler for me to make them.
Cost wise i have not worked it out properly, but i bought a lenth of wood
3m long about 48mm thick by about 132mm for £7.00

Just looked out the thread on this subject from a few months back,

Have a look here

and then noticed most here posted on that old thread, oh well might help someone.

It the new toy a circular saw ?
I worked out that the timber costs were 25% of the current frame price, but you do get a lot of free sawdust :smilielol5:

Are you wiring to save cutting the wedge bar and rebate ? If I am correct does that not create a lot of work drilling, wiring and setting in the foundation wax ?

I am no bee expert, better at woodwork and brewing !!
P.S. I am extra specially careful on repetition work,. as the mind can wander !!
Once, don't what to do it again, watched my mate cut his thumb off with a circular saw, mind you that was logging on a big bench behind a Ford 5000 tractor, still remember it well. He still leaves the workshop when I am sawing !!
The new toy is a band saw, but i do have circular saw and just about everthing else lol.
Yes i am wiring to save on the wedge but i use MD frames and think that this is a better option for me. Even if using other frames i don't think its much trouble to wire.As for drilling the holes its the same as everything else , just set up to drill lots of holes :D
Just checked the earlier thread too. What isn't mentioned when wiring frames, that instead of eyelets, which seemingly cost the earth, staples can be used to prevent the wire from cutting into the wood, obviously with the staples running 90 degrees to the direction of pull of the wire.

I assume that no diagrams is required. Air nailer for next on toys list?
I tried my local hardware store today to see if i could get wire ordered,but nope :(
Looks like i have to stick with Th**nes for it.
I read that about the stapples, going to have a look at the weekend to see whats on offer :)

Also it works out cost wise £3.50 for 52 pairs of side bars Hofman MD shallows.
some of us without the big toy cupboard are pig sick of the ones with shiney toys to play with.

when i win the lottery at the weekend and spend half of it at axminster i will have the biggest toy cupboard going , untill then i will have to just bite the bullet and buy my frames.

as for hivemakers large pile well that just rubs salt into my already sore wounds . lol

i would love to see the video of them being made as i am sure you guys know the correct rotation to do the cuts in where as i dont, it will also give me the chance to oggle someone elses toy cupboard
It's top secrete and you have to belong to the saw dust lodge if i was to show you :D

umm the truth i don't have one of them fancy video thingys, spent all my money on fancy shiny toys lol :D
Like the tip about the staples.

Wire must be available from somewhere at a sensible price.

In my brewing life used to pay the local homebrew shop £32 for a 25 kilo bag of malt, found a supplier last week 20 miles away, exactly the same stuff for £19.50 formed a syndicate with a couple of other local forum members, shared transport costs job done. That place gets it from somewhere else for £16 but its another 40 miles away. There was a similar mark up on hops, I know everyone needs to make a profit, but there is a recession on, ...........price of beer is coming down rapidly for me. !!

As for tools........... someone once said "When I die I hope my wife doesn't sell all my stuff for what I told here I paid for it. " :smilielol5:

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