Queen Bee
I wondered whether your local Association does anything pro-active in beekeeper/landowner pairing?
The Dover Secretary announces correspondence at every meeting, including any messages received about people willing to host hives. There was just one such message posted on the Canterbury members-only forum.
Fair enough, but passive - responding to approaches from outside.
But certainly, no-one round here is actively saying "if you want to host a hive, contact me and I'll put it to our members".
Does your Association do anything pro-active along these lines, or alternatively does news of possible apiary sites being offered not get out beyond the committee?
The Dover Secretary announces correspondence at every meeting, including any messages received about people willing to host hives. There was just one such message posted on the Canterbury members-only forum.
Fair enough, but passive - responding to approaches from outside.
But certainly, no-one round here is actively saying "if you want to host a hive, contact me and I'll put it to our members".
Does your Association do anything pro-active along these lines, or alternatively does news of possible apiary sites being offered not get out beyond the committee?