Beehaus just arrived! - first impressions

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House Bee
May 17, 2010
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uk; bedfordshire
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Dr Who just landed in the back of my garden. It looks great - like a big purple tardis! Came with a good guide about how to use the beehaus effectively for swarm control etc. 3 weeks until bees arrive - I shall be getting my bee-suit on and practicing with the dummy boards until then. I can imagine that the bees will find it a very happy home.

are they breeding them up specially? - colour-blind bees? :coolgleamA:
May I ask what made u decide to invest in a Beehaus? Interesting topic for debate.
May I ask what made u decide to invest in a Beehaus? Interesting topic for debate.

Hi, lots of reasons I guess, low maintenance, funky colour, I guessed that - being a new product (I know it's based on an old beehive design) they would have addressed some of the issues with other beehives, it looks great in the garden, I like the fact Omlet have pushed the boundaries, I've got money to burn...
they would have addressed some of the issues with other beehives,

Give us a few of these 'issues' and we might be able to comment on them. As far as I can see there are very few, if any, actual advantages over the wooden Dartington. And the Dartington has issues of it's own when in direct comparison with, say, a 14 x12 National. I have all three, BTW. The one real advantage from my point of view is the extended single tier brood.

Regards, RAB
Sorry but more money than sense.

If you wanted a real bee hive, fit for real bees and wanted to push the envelope then the poly is the way to go. You bought a piece of correx. LOL

I've got money to burn...

this made me chuckle :rofl:

as long as you are happy with your choice thats good enough for me, the bees wont give a toss what sort of box they are living in :)

have you planned on getting a second BH or any other type of hive for swarm control and stuff next year?
Sorry but more money than sense.

If you wanted a real bee hive, fit for real bees and wanted to push the envelope then the poly is the way to go. You bought a piece of correx. LOL


Sorry but more money than sense.

If you wanted a real bee hive, fit for real bees and wanted to push the envelope then the CEDAR NATIONAL ON DOUBLE BROOD is the way to go. You bought a piece of correx. LOL


If you wanted a real bee hive, fit for real bees and wanted to push the envelope then the CEDAR NATIONAL ON DOUBLE BROOD is the way to go. You bought a piece of correx. LOL



Of course it is..
Some things are fads but others are cyclical. I heard Omlet are changing the design slightly - new model made of straw, rounder in shape and abandoning frames altogether. They might be on to something.
I've got money to burn...

Handy when you do get you're bees, you can use a couple of notes to start the smoker. I have to use old paper.
Re Skeppahaus

Hope you have that copyrighted Hivemaker,
possible pension.
I suppose that Bee Dustbin just doesn't have the same 'je ne sais quoi' does it.....!

AH so we are talking about the french market.
I asked a french beekeeper what he thought of Omlet and his reply was: He thought the idea was Crepe.
Some things are fads but others are cyclical. I heard Omlet are changing the design slightly - new model made of straw, rounder in shape and abandoning frames altogether. They might be on to something.

Make it out of plastic and you would have a radically new hive design (the "Egg") pushing the bounds of beekeeping forward into the 21st century.

Optional extras could include pastic ekes and nadirs. The de-lux model would come with a plastic bell jar so you can see the bees in-action making all that lovely honey.

Of course the landed gentry might opt for a collateral version (the "Nest") where several "Eggs" are joined by clear hollow pipes to watch the bees move about....
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Wow! I'm glad I don't work for Omlet PR - they've got a job on their hands with you guys! Just thought you might be interested in a new beekeeper who is trying something new... you're right, I could have got a National, Dartington or any other wooden box - but it's not big, plastic and purple... and it wouldn't look as good in my garden - that's the long and short of it.

Now, which of the ludites among you would like to have a pop about me not being a serious beekeeper... bring it on....I know you want to....:reddevil:
Essexgary,you will notice that many of us beekeepers take the **** out of the Beehaus.

Its only friendly banter,we have to have a product to pick on and the plastic dustbin fits the bill perfect.

There is no such thing as bad publicity on the internet..
Essexbee - apologies for sending u like a lamb to slaughter and prompting a debate on the beehaus seems to have turned into pub banter/mickey taking : ). I thought the general consensus would be exactly how I read in the thread. I like innovation and please keep posting here on how u get on it would be a shame if we lost a contributer that had a completely different setup.

Good luck with it, if u're anything like me mistakes will be made and lessons will be learned.

Wow! I'm glad I don't work for Omlet PR - they've got a job on their hands with you guys! Just thought you might be interested in a new beekeeper who is trying something new... you're right, I could have got a National, Dartington or any other wooden box - but it's not big, plastic and purple... and it wouldn't look as good in my garden - that's the long and short of it.

Now, which of the ludites among you would like to have a pop about me not being a serious beekeeper... bring it on....I know you want to....:reddevil:

John Wilkinson

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