Bee Excrement & Neighbours

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Heather, try shooting 'em when they are flying away from you.

When they are flying past your "front", they are a fast target, when flying away, they appear relatively static, also the pellets strike home more effectively, you are shooting into the "ends" of the feathers, less armour, at the back!

But soooooooo difficult to shoot! Small head, and a mass of feathers. I do try. And have had some - the fox enjoys :cheers2:

Feed them Wine-soaked chick peas. You won't need to shoot them, your hands will be more than enough.
Picture of what the the "excessive" problem looks like what the neighbour says is after a couple of days being washed.

That is so petty... really, if he parked under a tree he would have more caterpillar poo then that on his bonnet... I have more spider poo on my outer window sills then that. Judging by the scratch marks on the paintwork, he has an older car or he has spent a gazillion hours polishing the thing. ( Which I might add has done much more permanent damage then a bee ever could) The guy really does sound like a muppet, my sympathies to you Joseph, there is nothing on there that a heavy rainfall wouldn't wash off.
Friggin hell you mean he is bothered about bee poo on his car???? Birds crap on my car the minute I have washed it. I just shout at them "ungrateful b****ds, don't you realise I am paying good money to feed you lot?" But thats life. If that bothers him why doesn't he stick it in a garage or put a cover over it? Things fall out of the air all the time, poo, dust, ash, all sorts. He is a complete nutter!
If there was a problem a normal person would come round and ask politely if there was anything that could be done to minimise it...quiet like, no fuss. Nutters spend their time thinking up useless things they can make a fuss of cause they are natural pains in the arses.
we had a loon like this guy at my last building site complaining about the noise of the gennerator we used at night for the securtiy hut, not only could he hear the silenced gennerator at night he could feel it, we went on for months every day he would make a formal complaint to the council every day they would turn up drink a cup of coffee in the office and leave with nothing they can do they only follow the rule book and report back, when we turned it off and had it removed from site he still complained about our genny for another 3 months when we pointed out it had gone three months ago and as pointed out many times in the last 6 months it was someone else that that was causing him the problem, and we threatend to sue him for our costs , time and noise abatment orders etc he shut up a went home . the twit did not evan apologize evan after all this grief he cost me.
thats why i suggest because he knows where your hives are and he looks for them evry single hour shift the lot completley bring them up to me for a month and then protest your innocence once he has been made to look small AGAIN we will reinstate them but this time with some sort of fence or covers so he cant see them and he will start on some other poor sod. but i warn you now i know how these people work and until he has decided he has finished you will never ever stop him complaining about you until he has won then he goes off to start on some other poor unluck bloke
I agree with Hedgerow. Move them.

For what ever reasons you have a serious situation here and my thinking is this.

If your hobby impinges on others it is your problem not theirs. The problem may or may not exist. However they (the complainants) have a perception.

The only way to address it is to move them out.

Having seen that, I'd just say nothing...half of that could have been done while he's driving along the road. Isnt it up to him to PROVE it is the bees?
Even if he proves its bee crap, they still may not be yours. I'd move them and then put a couple of empty hives in thier place...see if he carries on complaining then bring him round and show him they're empty in front of a council official, he wont trouble you again for fear of looking like a right pratt again.

Had the same from a woman who always complained about bees in her garden, and that they MUST bee my bees as I was the only beekeeper around.
Final straw was when she got stung and both she and her gormless hubby came round....till I pointed out there was only an old hive that was empty and I hadnt had bees there for six months, thing that helped is that a friend of mine is a local counciller and was sitting here witnessing the whole thing :cheers2:
Years ago I had a neighbour who spent about two hours every day washing his car. I suspected obsessive compulsive disorder. At a minimum, he certainly needed to get a life. Maybe your bee hating adversary could lobby the local council to remove all the bumblebees, birds, hoverflies and assorted invertebrates who have the audacity to defecate in the air above his vehicle. They could send out a pest control expert with an aerosol of Vapona or bulk buy some Agent Orange. A surcharge on the rates should cover it.
To be honest I cant even make out where the alleged offensive bee poo is from the other marks and scuffs on the motor. Your neighbour needs to get a life. Its quite sad really that they have nothing better to do with their time than to make complaints and write letters to the local council... You could recommend beekeeping as a worthwhile hobby.
I have decided to remove the hives and leave only a couple. So thats that alas.
Sadly Joseph it is the only solution as your "friend" is obviously watching. Myself FWIW I would move them all out so you know for sure if he continues to complain he is on a false position.

Look on the bright side an out apiary has many advantages. And is I have to say my preferred location.

Am amazed that anyone in their right mind would complain about, of all things, bee poo. I don't think have heard anything so daft before.
I generally feel that if your actions upset your neighbours, then you should change your behaviour. But..... bee poo???
Help I now have the same problem!
A grumpy neighbour has contacted the council to say my bees are causing a nusence due to bee poo on his car and windows!! He has got other to sign a complaint letter to the council
My hives are hundreds of meters away, never said anything to me now I have a letter from the Council Enviroment officer!!
I keep quiet bees and do everything to make sure they do not swarm and are as far away from the housing estate as possible I have a 3 acre field! Several neighbours have said in the past how wounderfull it was that I look after the bees and enviroment with wild flowers and fruit trees, I cannot believe it!!! can anyone help?
If there are flowering plants near either the cars or the parking area, then the area will be visited by a lot of bees - and not just those from your hives. Their vehicles could also beneath a route to and from somewhere with a good nectar flow at the moment.

Speak to EH and talk it through, explain that 'it happens' and maybe how or why 'it happens'. Don't get rattled with, or by, your neighbour, it isn't worth it.
My bees' main flight path is over my drive, which is 100m from my 3 hives, and my car gets covered with the waxy spots of bee poo on a daily basis. It is quite annoying actually. I moan about it, and it's entirely my own doing!

Perhaps adopting a more understanding attitude, and offering a conciliatory jar of honey occasionally would appease the neighbours.