Bee bag

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House Bee
May 28, 2012
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What are your essentials that you keep in you bee bag and take to every visit.

I've got loads of stuff in mine some of which I don't use that often. Ive got an assortment of hive tools, lighters and a wand lighter, bee brush, blow torch, pliers, drawing pins, light hammer, multi tool, magnifying glass, torch, tweezers and surgical forceps, crown of thorns and marking pens of all colours, an icing sugar shaker, thermometer, spare pens, a cap, gimp pins and hand nail driver, porter bee escapes, off cuts of ply wood (to cover crown board holes), scissors, a tupperware container, frame rest, frame spacers and a role of duct tape.

Its like the generation game - Didn't he do well?

What's in yours?
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Gloves, lighters, multitool, hive tools, camara, sharpie pen, duct tape, fuel for the lighter and my Queen marking kit.
Sadly no bee bag was ever big enough and when it nearly was it was too heavy to carry so husband built me a shed there get from the hives.
In case you're bored and fancy doing a bit of cake decorating?

As well as the hive tool, lighter, smoker n fuel, record file p.p.e etc.
A flask for a cuppa to go with that slice of cake, useful after a long session before moving on to the next site.
Ordinary stuff for inspecting and queen marking plus antihistamine tablets, a pack of baker's fondant, small roll of garden wire, pliers, secateurs, can of Bee Quick, lemongrass oil, gaffer tape, lump of foam, drawing pins, EFB test kit, spray bottle of thymolated thick syrup, several hive tools, red light torch, serrated knife.

There may even be a kitchen sink lurking in the bottom of my kit box!
I use one of those double plastic tray things with a handle in the middle, acquired from the days when my veterinary practice still did large animal work on a regular basis.

I keep all the time - marker pens - for queens and for marking qc on frame tops, crown of thorns, push and mark cage, marker pins, 2 hive tools, anti histamine tablets, spare latex gloves, 2 butler queen cages, scissors, smoker fuel - ie egg box bits, dremel blow torch hand tool to relight smoker, note pad and biro, and my phone for photos/notes. I tend to chuck balled up excess comb into tray and put in a box in the car

(My car however holds 2 spare supers with frames and foundations, crown boards, porter bee escapes, more smoker fuel ie old dry wood, currently a nuc for swarms, spare bee suit jacket and wellies, and i chuck in a whole national hive inc floor and roof when doing inspections - just in case)