I would say that that article is not worth to read. It is full of mistakes and old attitudes.
University of Florida....In that climate varroa is really harmfull because they have not brood brake.
It seems to me that the writer has not much experince in beekeeping. He had collected all kind of things together which have no value in beekeeping practice.
Sorry my opinion...
Stupid things
- calculating with sticky board - waste of time.
- economical treshold 3000 mites....it must be under 1000
- all text what he is referring are over 10 years old
- mesh floor protects from mites ----false
- like all text in USA, they do not give value to European reseach even if it is 10 years ahead that of USA.
A write says: "Probably the most successful of these programs includes the Russian honey bee program headed by the United States Department of Agriculture honey bee "
In Europe researches have made and Russian bee has not got applauses in Europe.
"Because of the reduced efficacy of chemicals used to control varroa, attention has turned to the application of non-chemical methods for limiting varroa populations."
That is true in Florida level, but in countries, where is a good brood brake, chemical control has been a succes 25 years and still be.
"Turned application.".. 20 years, but it has not helped much.
If I would follow these advices my hives would be dead next year.