The following questions are irrelevant:
11 (10 marks)
I don't wish to be antagonistic, but I think you have overstated the point a little:
Question 1: agreed, if you don't have a Commercial hive, although you might expect an authority on beekeeping to know that Commercial hives take a 16x10 inch frame
Question 2: Again you could argue that it is important to know that you use thin unwired foundation for the use of comb honey (the honey regulations 2003 say so!)
Question 6: This is useful when estimating winter stores: i.e. if you had 3 fully capped (brood) frames of honey at the edge of your national brood box at the end of the season, you know that you would need about another 15Ib of sugar syrup to ensure that they had enough stores for the winter.
Question 8. I would think knowing about more than one feeder would be extremely useful: a frame feeder is used in completely different circumstances than a Ashforth feeder, for instance.
Question 11. I would interpret this as a question concerning your awareness of the relative merits of other hives. After all, don't all beginners want to know which hive they should buy? And how would you advise them?
COI: Passed the modules, assessor for the basic certificate, tutor for the BBKA correspondance course for the modules, not a spokesperson for the BBKA or their examinations board.