Bad Reaction To Sting.

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Jun 4, 2015
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Co / Durham / Co Cleveland and Northumberland
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17 nucs....
I have been stung many many the ear hole/between the eyes/legs and back with little reaction none in most cases..however today I got stung right on a vein in the back of my hand...and this has happened..I can't clench my fist and it is burning hot..should I be worried..?..the pictures are my left and normal right.


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It’s the vein that’s the problem
If it’s red and inflamed draw round the area to see if it’s spreading
If you’ve had antihistamines and you’re still worried then take yourself to A.E.
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My assessment, for what it's worth, is that you've had a severe local reaction. Although it's swollen and uncomfortable, it's not a systemic reaction - no breathing problems or throat restrictions.

Maybe you just got stung by a very old bee whose venom was very powerful - lucky you!

My hands used to swell like this in my early beekeeping days, but the effects have diminished over time. I guess it's more worrying if you get this reaction after so many stings. I think you need to get advice....
I have previously experienced a severe and systematic reaction when stung on the vein in my neck. All stings before and since have only produced a minor reaction (including multiple stings in short succession, which I have had on several occasions since then).

My doctor advised me to take Pirition if something similar happened again.

To answer your question.... I wouldn't be worry unless your start to experience a reaction in other parts of your body (non localised swelling, hives, nausea, tight airways etc.)
I've had similar, hardly any reaction, stung in the hand, arm or neck. But stung in the vein, immediate reaction, only happened twice, stung vein in neck and stung vein in the foot, come out in hives and a cough. Take double dose of Pirton, so short term use and half an hour later everything was fine. Nurses I have spoken to say the first half hour is critical, after that if you are coherent then shouldn't be any trouble. But seek medical advice for reassurance.
I have been stung many many the ear hole/between the eyes/legs and back with little reaction none in most cases..however today I got stung right on a vein in the back of my hand...and this has happened..I can't clench my fist and it is burning hot..should I be worried..?..the pictures are my left and normal right.
For some strange reason I have the same reaction on my hand/wrist. Anywhere else I am fine. Weird.
I was just coming to post about my most recent sting escapade when I saw your posting about a bad reaction...

I have a reaction like that every time I get stung.
First ever sting on my arm had no reaction what-so-ever.
Since then, the swelling and pain has increased each time.

I thought the worst time was when I got stung on the lip and the entire right-side of my face blew up like the Elephant Man.

But, I'm sat here writing this after being stung 5 times on the same ankle last night, with my leg elevated and bandaged because the severe reaction has caused mass swelling of my foot, ankle and leg. I also have 6 huge blisters around the sting sites.
Pretty gross!!

A&E / Walk-Ins always just recommend antihistamines, cold compresses and elevation!

Good luck!!
That's why i try everything to avoid being stung.sometimes no reaction sometimes lots! Nothings changed that's what bees do. Feel sorry for you both but you were just unlucky this time!
To my eyes that just looks like localised swelling on the back of your hand. Your knuckles disappear and you can't make a fist, that sort. Normal reaction in my case, sometimes nothing, sometimes less swelling but my hands have looked like that more than once.
A few years ago, I cracked a super and they poured out, down inside my glove and gave my wrist and hand a hammering. My left hand and arm was swollen right up to my elbow.
OK Steve......are you still alive?

Alive and well Dani though my hand is still swollen and sore..the hive in question is pretty defensive made worse by the constant wasp activity around the hives..the Queen will be gone next year as my lady friend got stung on the forehead 25yards away when I was taking a super from this colony last week..

Thank you everyone else for the reassuring advice.
Sorry to hear this and I hope it all gets better very soon.
My dear better half was stung on her cheek last month which caused a nasty reaction and closed one of her eyes. We went to our local outpatients and the doctor advised that the sting had hit a nerve, causing the problem. She was advised that if it became worse to immediately go back as it could easily get infected. Luckily, the swelling took a few days to reduce but thank fully no permanent harm done, apart than that inflicted on the colonies queen!
I am not advising anyone one to self medicate, but I always carry a tube of hydrocortisone cream which I find works well.
Sorry to hear this and I hope it all gets better very soon.
My dear better half was stung on her cheek last month which caused a nasty reaction and closed one of her eyes. We went to our local outpatients and the doctor advised that the sting had hit a nerve, causing the problem. She was advised that if it became worse to immediately go back as it could easily get infected. Luckily, the swelling took a few days to reduce but thank fully no permanent harm done, apart than that inflicted on the colonies queen!
I am not advising anyone one to self medicate, but I always carry a tube of hydrocortisone cream which I find works well.

Yep, a tube of Anthisan went straight into my bee box after the first bad sting, and I'll now start taking two antihistamines before I go to the hives.
As a working drummer I can't afford not to be able to use my hands and feet... like I currently can't!

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