they look like escapees.
I kept a handful of pigs myself. The piglets are escape artists.
They also have great and individual personality's, roll on the floor like dogs when scratching behind the ears, great at taking out weed beds and fun to keep.
I made the mistake of letting the children give them names, and when it came to eating them, cooking a leg of 'patch' seemed a bit odd.
We kept a couple back and made bacon, gammon and sausages out of them when they got to a year old. 256Kg of sausages lasts a very long time when I am the only one in my house that eats them! My work really likes it when I cook up a few Kilos, buy a stack of rolls and bring them in still hot.
A few more BBQ's, and the freezers should be empty after another year or so, and will probably get a couple more pigs.
keeping pigs for profit? at todays wheat prices and butchery costs, not worth it. The difference between home grown and shop bought sausages\meat is a world away, and would only eat my own or buy from pig keeping friends..
Sheep also make good lawnmowers, but have little personality and suffer with a lot of problems. Nearly out of lamb! might get some more next year!