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House Bee
Jun 8, 2010
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Meon Valley BKA auction Saturday 4 May 2024

Greatham Village Hall Hants GU33 6AD

Viewing from 1100 auction commences 1300

I will be on scullery maid duties in the kitchen so come and say hello

Tea cakes bacon rolls ect
Ooh. I might be able to escape the asylum for that, I think SWMBO is out with the kids. Excellent.
I’m on grandparent duties and SWMBO wasn’t impressed when I suggested a family trip to Greatham after a full day at last weeks auction.
Why no bees? Is that a policy or lack of live lots?
I’m on grandparent duties and SWMBO wasn’t impressed when I suggested a family trip to Greatham after a full day at last weeks auction.
Why no bees? Is that a policy or lack of live lots?
Intriguing... @Worldsend any idea?

Shame not to see you although you could point out there's a playpark there and I think I heard something about it being recently refurbished.
Intriguing... @Worldsend any idea?

Shame not to see you although you could point out there's a playpark there and I think I heard something about it being recently refurbished.
Now that’s devious! Something I don’t expect from someone like you.
Intriguing... @Worldsend any idea?

Shame not to see you although you could point out there's a playpark there and I think I heard something about it being recently refurbished.
It is odd - I think it's just that nobody has any bees spare down here - there have been reports of substantial over winter losses and one of my friends, who normally enters a few colonies, has been cutting back on his beekeeping activity so he has not put any colonies in.
I’m on grandparent duties and SWMBO wasn’t impressed when I suggested a family trip to Greatham after a full day at last weeks auction.
Why no bees? Is that a policy or lack of live lots?
I'm presuming no one has any to sell

My bees came through winter okay but I'm hearing of many losses

Swarming started in earnest yesterday!!
@Worldsend If I'd had my act together I'd have put a couple in. I've got one spare currently if you're after any for the auction but it's probably too late for you all and they've not been checked by a SBI.

Perhaps next year.
It is odd - I think it's just that nobody has any bees spare down here - there have been reports of substantial over winter losses and one of my friends, who normally enters a few colonies, has been cutting back on his beekeeping activity so he has not put any colonies in.
There were 13 at WSBKA auction and should have been another 3 but the beekeeper didn’t pull his finger out and couldn’t get a bee inspector to inspect his colonies in time. I booked mine in mid March!