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Drone Bee
Jun 3, 2012
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One hive burnt completely. Stand gone too.
5 others smell strongly of something.
One doesn't smell.


Fire brigade been and put fire out, confirmed smell of thinners.
One hive burnt completely. Stand gone too.
5 others smell strongly of something.
One doesn't smell.


Fire brigade been and put fire out, confirmed smell of thinners.

That's absolutely dreadful ... have you had any previous problems with the siting of your apiary ... when did it happen ?
That's absolutely dreadful ... have you had any previous problems with the siting of your apiary ... when did it happen ?

About an hour ago.
Went to draw curtains upstairs and spotted fire in the apiary. OH rang fire brigade whilst I was putting my shoes on.
Too late to save that hive. I did know that by the amount of fire. I did think it was both of the polyhives from upstairs.

Think my four all smell of something nasty though. So I suspect they're dead. :(

No problems with apiary re: vandalism.

But long story behind the recent tensions elsewhere on the allotment.
Only be dead if they actually poured the thinners/petrol into the hives over the bees, or into the entrances.

So pouring it underneath isn't enough?
I think the straps are still on.
So pouring it underneath isn't enough?
I think the straps are still on.

Should be okay, as long as it's not inside the hives.

Sounds like they were going to set light to those hives as well, perhaps the first one went up in flames so fast, it scared whoever it was off.
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Yes... if it was thinners it goes up with a hell of a whoosh .. just like petrol. I used to use the waste thinners from my spraying company to start bonfires in the garden ..stopped using them when I lost my eyebrows one day ! Just incredible that anyone should stoop to this level .. hopefully HM will be right and the bees will be OK thinners evaporate very quickly and if they are outside the hives then the smell should disperse very quickly. Just as well they are poly as it would have soaked into the wood ... good luck with damage limitation.
That shows some level of premeditation :(
My God....that's just awful.
If they are OK inside and your hives are no good......
Can we rally round with some spare kit?
I have a spare old poly hive you can have, a bit bashed but serviceable.
I am so sorry to hear that! No respect for wild life or other peoples property. It must be pure vandalism, otherwise you would simply have been asked to move the hives if there was a problem. Hope they get caught and forced to replace what they destroyed.
I am so sorry to hear that! No respect for wild life or other peoples property. It must be pure vandalism, otherwise you would simply have been asked to move the hives if there was a problem. Hope they get caught and forced to replace what they destroyed.

Post 5 seems to suggest something else?
Thanks all.

Am waiting for crime reference number.

Have been out and tapped hives - can hear faint buzz from a couple of mine. They all smell of something nasty still. No dead bees piles on the floors that we can see. One bee seen coming in one hive though!
Nothing at the other polyhive.

That beekeeper is poorly and I don't think will make it down today. His partner is coming down to have a look though.

RBI informed by our chair this morning.