Arrgghh - bad Mummy!

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Jun 8, 2010
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Dartmoor edge, uk
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5...2 wooden National, 2 poly Nat & 1 poly nuc...bursting at the seams
We were adopted in the last few days by a cat. Lovely little thing...gentle tabby with 4 white socks. Daughter in love, FinL in love & myself rather fond.

Took it to Cat Protection and turns out to belong 100 yds from us, but left 4 months ago - so probably going home..

My daughter (25) is now pleading for a new cat - but I feel that if we are moving within a few months (and have a large dog) we should delay...opinions please?
I'd wait until you have moved. When you have why not look for a rescue cat? We adopted one from Norfolk last year, his owner had died and her daughter was paying for him to live in kennels - he'd been there a year! We met by accident and she offered me the cat. Best thing we've ever done, he really seems to appreciate his new home and staff. Don't worry about the dog - the cat will soon sort it out.
I'd wait until the daughter moves into a home of her own. She can keep the cat there.
id hold off till after the move. and i would also get a kitten as its so much easier to sort out the dog and cat when the cat is used to the dog and the dog gets to mammy the kitten for a while and doesnt see it as dinner.

rember the cat will live to 10-20 years old. kill fluffy things. need spaying/neutering and leave hairs around the place.
they also however give the best sort of affection. cos you have to earn their affection.

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