Approaching a local farmer...

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hi as some one said go after planting has been done( watch the tractors in your area) do a bit of research localy with the residents aproach the farmers who own the land explain to them what you would like to do and if it is ok to them (also say it will increase there yeildof crops)but dont aproach in a suit otherwise they will think you a townie and the answer might be no countryman
Been monitoring this for last few weeks and noticed it's gone quiet so went up today and knocked on the door and they said yes!

Interestingly they said they have oilseed rape, he was kean for me to get it for then but there's no chance of that as nuc's are not generally ready i think. Also asked about spraying so need to check exactly what todo (read a few things on here).

Thanks for your help everyone, just need to get in touch with him next year in placing hives.

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