Rosti said: "Fibrous materials such as wood are also renowned for internalised bug contamination"
... indeed indeed!!
I read [not too long ago] an Italian paper on spore penetration into wood, and the effectiveness of scorching [as of brood boxes] at killing the spores. The results were most gloomy, with a really good scorching having pretty poor penetration of the wood, made even worse in the presence of any organic material covering - such as propolis. All in all, scorching is better than nothing - but don't kid yourself you are getting any more than a 60% success at removing spores, or viruses.Wood is just SO absorbent/penetrable . Polystyrene hives? Slated by many as you can't scorch them, but they are essentially non-absorbent, and a scrape off of the big bits, a wash with washing soda, and a dunk/spray in Virkon [followed by a good rinsing] "does" for pretty much anything. Decontamination rate probably at 90% without too much effort.
But frames? Steaming doesn't clean to the exclusion of needing to scrape etc. Washing soda opens the pores/grain a bit much and can affect the frame structure anyway.
I've not tried Lye - sodium hydroxide - [Finman uses this, I believe] and it is really nasty corrosive stuff, but if you have the means, courage, and environmental facilities to dispose of the residue, to use it, it is very effective.
For frames ... maybe steam de-wax, clean etc once, then better to change to new ones.