Anybody with a 14x12 National Hive plan?

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New Bee
Mar 6, 2020
Reaction score
South West England
Hive Type
I’ve been a beekeeper for a few years now & fancy building my own hives. I’m Hobby carpenter so I'm use to working in metric or imperial but I am struggling to find plans for the hives on either! I currently use ‘Jumbo 14x12 National Hives’.

Can anyone please tell me where I can get plans / cutting dimensions for a 14 x 12 National Hive using Hoffman frames? The ones I plan to build will built out of Cedar hopefully 🤞

If you already have hives why not simply use an existing box as a template or pick up a seconds box for the job, worst case you still have a new box.
One advantage that I found when I made my hives some years ago was that I could build them as top beespace which I find a lot easier to work with - less bees get squashed when closing up..

If you're in any doubt about any dimensions, make up a 14x12 frame and build your new box with a beespace all around the frame. From memory, I used 8mm as the beespace dimension. The only dimension that I struggled with was what gap to leave between the end of the frame's lug and the side of the hive - I think I plumped for 1mm but maybe 1.5 mm might have been better. This dimension affects the size of the rebate in the top rails. Here's a link to Dave Cushman's site -

Whatever timber you're using , you should end up with external dimensions of 460 x 460mm.

Of course, if you want to be really avant garde, you could make the hives out of 40mm PIC (rigid urethane insulation). One of these days, Derek Mitchell will publish a book on building hives out PIC. As you would be using thicker material, the external dimensions are greater, but I worked my dimensions for this back ensuring a standard 14x12 frame with top beespace fitted into the square box.

Thanks to all! Much appreciated! 👍

It does seem that actual 14x12 hive "blueprints" are a little thin on the ground, which is odd considering that most the demensions are similar to that of a normal BS national hive?

I was going to just break apart & measure an old tired 14x12 brood box / hive that I have but I thought before I go down that option I would see if anyone had an drawings - no point trying to re-invent the wheel now.

Nice to hear that someone had the same idea as me, yes CVB, I was toying with the idea of adjusting it to be a top space for my girls as they do like their room.

I had a look a [Saint] Cushman's site a few years back & totally forgot how much information is on it. Truly Amazing!
