As part of looking at bees and heat, I wanted to see how bee work in an tall insulated space. The bees would need to returned and source from a conventional hive since swarming time was occupied with ... Dealing with swarms. The solution was to make 2 or 3 boxes that would take 6 nAtional frames turned 90 degrees with bee permeable ends. This would give a 40 litre hive about 800 mm tall. 16 Temperature sensors and the wiring was embedded in the walls of each box. Challenges were making the frame supports strong and firmly attached to the wall. This was done by putting nylon inserts in the walls like they do in chipboard furniture.
This shows the supports and the temperature sensor pcb.
to see how warm it was the hive was tested with a heater in the top and then again in the bottom.
from the begining this hive was not going to be the easiest to manage. We selected the smallest colony we had
which that was on 6 frames of brood . These were put in the top box they had a few stores in these, the remaining frames were placed in the bottom box. The last bees walked in
They are in now and seem from the outside thriving
Next job is to do the wiring down the garden and put the multiplexer in water proof box.