can anyone reccomend a compressor?
Use once? Last a lifetime? What size?
Basically you pays your money and get what you pays for.
Slower revving with cast iron cyinder(s) are better for long life but may be slighly less efficient to run. The 'compound' ones are better (compress in a larger cylinder first then transfer to a smaller, higher pressure cylinder), the better ones with some cooling arrangement between the two stages.
Problem is that requirements change - add other tools which require more air ,or consistent high pressure and the small compressors are a pain for anything other than intermittent tool operation, but space and portability is yet another facet to consider.
I have my old compound cast iron 8 Bar machine (large, fixed position, but still only about 15-20 cubic metres per hour) and a smaller 6 Bar machine (for portability). There are a couple of low pressure 'blowers' and a couple other compressors stashed away somewhere, should I ever need one for a project.
So, start with your requirements and buy accordingly. Note that many compressors (most of the highly competing 'bottom end of the market' machines) are rated as swept volume, not delivered free air, so beware - real output could be much less than apparent rating! And tools are always volume rated as low as they can (new and spot on the pressure)
I have never bought a new machine. My main one (had it over twenty years) came from a farm sale and the smaller one from a 'market trader at a rally. Both were cheap enough (£30 & less than £20) although I did my own hydraulic testing to confiirm they were in safe condition. Insurance is another aspect to consider, of course.
Just remember cheap and cheerfull is just that - not long lived and prone to failure (more highly stressed with cheaper components). Repairability might be yet another consideration. Some are 'throw away', and your capabilities need to be taken into account.
Not much of a recommendation but may be of some help when choosing.