Advice from Nuc to hive and then the next few weeks

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New Bee
Mar 25, 2020
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Hello, please excuse my ignorance but need a little bit of advice.

I have 3 hives (no bees as yet), each with one brood box and two supers. Shortly, I will be receiving a nuc of six frames. These 3 hives are still indoors. I know that I don't include the supers until about 9 frames are being used. However,

1) do I only put out just one hive with a brood box with the setup so the bees can leave the hives altogether or just the workers or two hives ? I was informed that I should leave more than one hive out but keen to confirm.

2) do I need in June/July to include a feeder ? I have purchased wooden ones for each hive.

3) is it okay to check them once a week on putting them in the Nuc or should it be daily for 5/6 days ?

Many thanks,

You’re getting one nuc or three?
One nuc of six frames. Place frames in the order they are in the nuc box with one frame of foundation each side then dummy the rest of the suave with done insulation. Add frames as they draw them out. You can feed a little to help them draw the frames out, just a couple of litres. I don’t like frame feeders. I’ve skyways had lots of bees drown. I prefer top feeders. Check the foundation frames every few days ( not daily) till they are drawn out then once a week
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One nuc of six frames goes into the centre of one brood box (hive), you then add other empty (foundation only?) frames on both sides needed.
I am guessing that the suggestion to have a second hive out was to act as a possible swarm trap/bait hive. Probably not needed.
Remember that if you feed you will have sugar in any honey but generally you don't take any from them in the first season.
Checking once a week after putting the nuc frames into the brood box (hive) is fine.

Follow Erichalfbee's feeding suggestion.
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Hello, just one nuc of 6 frames. The three hives were for future expansion rather than all at once, though someone informed me that you need to keep two hives even if only one is populated.
That advice is actually that it is better to have at least two colonies. So if one hive runs into trouble, say no queen and no brood, you can swap a frame of brood into the problem colony and they can then make a queen. Or a frame of brood from a strong colony can be used to boost a weak one.
An empty hive might always attract a passing swarm.
Good luck and I hope you enjoy this wonderful hobby. Your first couple of years is a steep learning curve.