A Cautionary Tale

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House Bee
Jul 25, 2009
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sadly, no more!
A little early in the year, perhaps, but given the warmth of the day I did my first serious apiary inspection this afternoon. New floors, brood boxes etc for all three hives.

Last autumn, I left each hive with a full super of sealed stores. Early on, however, they seemed very light when hefting. So I have been feeding them fondant since early November. On inspection today, none of the hives had so much as a single frame of last year's stores left! (though there were rather greater supplies of nectar being brought in than I had expected). So nothwithstanding my suspicions throughout the winter, it really HAS been worth all the effort of feeding.

As for the hives, one is going absolutely great guns, with HM already laying for England. And one is taking life rather more sedately, though giving no obvious cause for concern at this point.

The third hive is shewing signs that The Queen has taken to laying drones. I will need to confirm this at the next inspection. But even if there is a DLQ in there, I will not take it tragically - that hive has been the colony from hell for two years now, and was anyway going to find itself requeened as soon as possible this spring.

Happy days are here again!
Always best to err on the side of caution. Good judgement.:)
Warm winter

Warm winter = active bees = consume more stores.

Cold winter = bees less active/clustered more = consume less stores.

Hefting hives, regularly through winter is a good idea. Many folks don't know how much a hive weighs in their mind when full of stores. Its best to get a feel if you can. Some people struggle mind with this, and if in doudt, I personally will always feed. It may choke the brood box and slow the development, but a hive with no food is dead.

With our erratic winter weather patterns I think we need to more hands on in winter, in terms of regular hefting. A sudden warm spell can see the food consumption rates take off.
I've been weighing my hives this winter, too inexperienced to heft.
The baby dummied down colony which is now in a nuc box has been on fondant since mid jan but still had a frame of honey when I changed boxes.
The other two 14 x 12s haven't been fed and 2 days ago had 2 full frames of stores each. To my mind that seems about right considering we are expecting the warm weather to chill somewhat for April.
Another check yesterday revealed that the hive which I thought was blessed with a DLQ in fact rejoiced in the attentions of a laying worker (eggs on the side of the cell, multiple eggs in same cell, pepper pot pattern and, of course, drone cells only).

Too early to try and requeen. Shook all of the bees off the frames - beside another of my hives. Closed up their original hive, and left them to it. The workers will either find their way into the other hive or will have to find their own salvation. Can't say I will grieve for them especially, since they were the spawn of satan.

Roll on the swarm season!!
It may have been best if you had left the old hive open and dump the bees out in front of it, firstly taking out the eggs frames and seen if the worker got back and started laying again. If she hadn't then you could of combined with one of the other hives. I don't want to worry you but you will have to take a good look to see if the laying worker has made it to the other hive. With a QR hive the bees may kill the laying worker off?! Don't know. With the problem air someone else may come on and help.
Good luck with it all, it's what beekeeping is all about.
regards, Steven
It may have been best if you had left the old hive open and dump the bees out in front of it, firstly taking out the eggs frames and seen if the worker got back and started laying again. If she hadn't then you could of combined with one of the other hives. I don't want to worry you but you will have to take a good look to see if the laying worker has made it to the other hive. With a QR hive the bees may kill the laying worker off?! Don't know. With the problem air someone else may come on and help.
Good luck with it all, it's what beekeeping is all about.
regards, Steven

In a similar situation (and as advised by a greybeard), I removed the hive completely and shook out the colony 100m+ away. Many of the flying bees headed home and made their way straight to the adjacent hive (adjacent but 5m away - so much for the 3' rule!). I was told that the laying workers would not fly (that far). I'm betting that there is someone here who thinks otherwise :rolleyes:

I've relocated the empty hive and installed a new small colony. A bit concerned that not one of them was out exploring this morning - but I'm told they are of Carolinian extraction, so maybe they did not fancy the impending sleet. Hope that's the reason
... the hive which I thought was blessed with a DLQ in fact rejoiced in the attentions of a laying worker (eggs on the side of the cell, multiple eggs in same cell, pepper pot pattern and, of course, drone cells only). ...
... dump the bees out in front of it, firstly taking out the eggs frames and seen if the worker got back and started laying again. If she hadn't then ...


This problem is not about a single 'naughty' worker.
Its the lack of Queen pheromone causing progressively more workers to lose their inhibition from laying (unfertilised of course, thus all drone) eggs.
All workers could/would lay eggs, but Queen pheromone stops that happening.
This problem happens when that pheromone isn't around, usually due to HMQ being dead.

... shook out the colony 100m+ away. ... I was told that the laying workers would not fly (that far). I'm betting that there is someone here who thinks otherwise :rolleyes:
-- if those (egg-laying) workers were to be accepted into a different and queenright colony, they wouldn't lay eggs ... (well no more than any other workers...)
I don't believe that their flying abilities are reduced.
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Hi, that's what I thought being queen right would stop the laying worker, but wasn't sure, so the best way to deal would be to combine the hives of the queenless and laying worker hive?
Laying Workers


When the hive is queenless, and therefore broodless, for several weeks sometimes some workers develop the ability to lay eggs. It's not actually the lack of a queen, but the lack of brood. But the lack of brood is caused by the lack of a queen. These are usually haploid (infertile with a half set of chromosomes) and will all develop into drones.

Also the laying workers lay these in worker cells, in addition to drone cells and usually lays several in each cell. Laying worker eggs are usually on the side of the cell instead of the bottom except in drone cells. A hive with lots of drones is a symptom of laying workers as are the multiple eggs in the cell.

Sometimes a queen, when she starts laying after a time of not laying, will lay a few double eggs but she usually stops after a day or two. The laying workers will lay three or four to a cell in almost every cell. The difficulty is that the bees think they have a queen (the laying workers) and will not accept one. The laying workers are virtually impossible to find. I have found one in a two frame nuc by studying every bee until I saw one lay, but this is impractical in a full sized hive since there would be too many bees and too many laying workers.
Simplest, least trips to the beeyard
Shakeout and forget

In my opinion there are only two practical solutions. The simplest solution if you have several hives and especially if the laying worker hive is a long trip, is just shake all the bees in front of the various other hives and divvy all the combs out to the other hives. This is my preferred method for an outyard or a small hive. It doesn't waste your time and money trying to requeen a hive that is going to reject the queen anyway. This is the method of least time spent on interventions and most predictable outcome.

If you really want to have that many hives, you can pull some frames from them several weeks after the shake out and do a split with some brood from all or several of your hives. A frame of open brood and emerging brood and honey and pollen from each and you'll have a nice split.
Most successful but more trips to the beeyard
Give them open brood

The only other really practical method, in my opinion, is to add a frame of open brood every week until they rear a queen. Usually by the second or third frame of open brood they will start queen cells. This is simple enough when the hive is in your backyard. Not so easy in an outyard 60 miles away.
Other less successful methods

I would do one of the above, but if you want to know every possible method that I've tried, here are the things I have done that sometimes work. Note some appear to be, and are, slight variations of the same theme.

1) If you have several weak laying worker hives and at least one strong queenright hive, put all the laying worker hives on the strong queenright hive. The resulting confusion between several hives will usually settle down to one queenright hive.

2) Put a box with some empty comb on the bottom, a double screen on top of that and the old brood nest on top of that. Put the top entrance in the opposite direction. The field bees will leave the top box and return to the bottom one. After a day you have only nurse bees and the laying worker in the top. Remove them and 24 hours later introduce a queen to the bottom box. Then shake out the top box in front of the other hives and give the honey and pollen back to the original hive. Freeze the drone brood and give it to a strong hive to clean up.

3) Put a queen cell in (either a frame from a hive trying to supersede or swarm or one that you made by queen rearing techniques). Sometimes they will let the queen emerge. Usually they will tear it down.

4) Put a virgin queen in. Just smoke it heavily and run her in. Sometimes they will accept her. Usually they will ball her.

5) Put a laying worker hive over a queenright hive on a double screen board. After about a week, do a newspaper combine. Usually they will accept the queen. Sometimes they will kill the queen in the queenright hive and you now have a very large laying worker hive.

6) Start a nuc with some brood from another hive, if you have one, or just do a shaken swarm from your hive, if it's your only one, and introduce the queen to that nuc. When she's laying nicely and there is open brood in the nuc, do a newspaper combine or, to stack the deck even more, put them on a double screen board for a few weeks and then do the newspaper combine.

7) Put a laying worker hive over a queenright hive on a double screen board and after three weeks, shake the laying worker hive out in front of the queen right hive. This almost always works.

8) Make a queenright nuc from a queen and some brood from a queenright hive. Put the nuc over a double screen board over the laying worker hive. After three weeks do a newspaper combine. Usually this works. Sometimes they kill the queen.

9) Put a frame of emerging brood with a queen in a push in cage in the laying worker hive. When they are no longer biting the cage and killing the emerging attendants, release her. This usually works. Sometimes they will kill the queen.
More info on laying workers
Brood pheromones

It's the pheromones from open brood that suppress the laying workers from developing, but some do anyway. It is NOT the queen pheromone as many of the older books suggest.

See page 11 of Wisdom of the hive:

"the queen's pheromones are neither necessary nor sufficient for inhibiting worker's ovaries. Instead, they strongly inhibit the workers from rearing additional queens. It is now clear that the pheromones that provide the proximate stimulus for workers to refrain from laying eggs come mainly from the brood, not from the queen (reviewed in Seeling 1985; see also Willis, Winston, and Slessor 1990)."

There are always multiple laying workers even in a queenright hive

"Anarchistic bees" are ever present but usually in small enough numbers to not cause a problem and are simply policed by the workers UNLESS they need drones. The number is always small as long as ovary development is suppressed.

See page 9 of "The Wisdom of the Hive"

"Although worker honey bees cannot mate, they do possess ovaries and can produce viable eggs; hence they do have the potential to have male offspring (in bees and other Hymenoptera, fertilized eggs produce females while unfertilized eggs produce males). It is now clear, however, that this potential is exceedingly rarely realized as long as a colony contains a queen (in queenless colonies, workers eventually lay large numbers of male eggs; see the review in Page and Erickson 1988). One supporting piece of evidence comes from studies of worker ovary development in queenright colonies, which have consistently revealed extremely low levels of development. All studies to date report far fewer than 1 % of workers have ovaries developed sufficiently to lay eggs (reviewed in Ratnieks 1993; see also Visscher 1995a). For example, Ratnieks dissected 10,634 worker bees from 21 colonies and found that only 7 had moderately developed egg (half the size of a completed egg) and that just one had a fully developed egg in her body."

If you do the math, in a normal booming queenright hive of 100,000 bees that's 70 laying workers. In a laying worker hive it's much higher.

Michael Bush
Thanks Hivemaker, that was very informative, now if it happens to me I know what to do and the reasons behind it.