Paradise honey do one from modern beekeeping
I used modified Paradox Jumbo Lagstroth 6 frame nucs quite succesfully when I wished to expand colony numbers quickly one year. Modified to take 14 x 12 frames with a thin divider, those boxes had an entrance possibility at both ends, so the problem of all the bees migrating to one side was avoided. The mother queen was removed, as soon as queen cells were started, for later increases.
The nucs were made up of one 14 x 12 frame of brood (with sealed queen cell) and lots of nurse bees. Stores were added from wherever I could scrounge (from other hives). Some had two 14 x12 frames and some only one, the others being made up with deep or shallow frames of stores.
As I recall, I made up at least eight new colonies by splitting that large hive with double brood (a very productive queen with good temperament) at one go. Most of those increases had good tempered queens and the one or two that were not so docile were combined with other colonies later in the season.