New Bee
Hello, I have a national hive with just a brood box which has ten frames in it with about 7.5 frames covered with either honey or larvae after just over two weeks from a 6 frame nuc (from SIPA). Although everything is looking healthy I noticed on one frame that there are two large balls, which I am guessing are queen larvae that are growing.
Is it possible for someone to confirm this? And do I have to kill / destroy them which will be difficult with many thousands of bees on one frame ?
What would the consequences of not taking prompt action as I don't want to disturb them too much ?
Many thanks, David
Is it possible for someone to confirm this? And do I have to kill / destroy them which will be difficult with many thousands of bees on one frame ?
What would the consequences of not taking prompt action as I don't want to disturb them too much ?
Many thanks, David