1st migraine at 43...I think

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Apr 25, 2015
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Never had one before went to see star wars last night (excellent film my new favourite after the Empire) then came home, was finishing off the end of Arkham Knight in my Pc started to get a massive headache both front side of my head like I've never had before. Thinking back my eyes were struggling in the dark driving last night. Had to stop my game as I started to feel sick thought it was something I had eaten and had got food poisoning. Went to bed was burning up and sweating all over window open wide pillow over eyes lights coming and going back and forth, fell asleep after about 30 mins for about 15mins woke up and felt drained but a lot better. This morning have my sunglasses on as it's very bright here and feel exhausted.

I'm strongly guessing this is a migraine as 2 ibuprofen and 2 paracetamols did not touch it. I sympathise with anyone who suffers from these as it was not a fun experience, not just a bad headache as I've always thought they were
I have suffered migraine attacks from the age of 13 , tunnel vision partial paralyses of the full left hand side of my body even my tongue/ bad bouts of vomiting which relive the head pain for a short time where what I used to have to go through regular, the longest one lasted was a fortnight and I had to be injected with methadone to knock me out.

Thankfully these days they are not so severe I have tried all kinds of prescribed drugs and nothing worked, all they did was make me ill for longer after the head ache had gone.

If I knew then what I know now I may not have had to suffer for all those years, 3 x 300mg Aspirin works better than anything I have ever tried.
If I where you though I would still go to the doctors and get it checked out though just to be on the safe side.
I have suffered migraine attacks from the age of 13 , tunnel vision partial paralyses of the full left hand side of my body even my tongue/ bad bouts of vomiting which relive the head pain for a short time where what I used to have to go through regular, the longest one lasted was a fortnight and I had to be injected with methadone to knock me out.

Thankfully these days they are not so severe I have tried all kinds of prescribed drugs and nothing worked, all they did was make me ill for longer after the head ache had gone.

If I knew then what I know now I may not have had to suffer for all those years, 3 x 300mg Aspirin works better than anything I have ever tried.
If I where you though I would still go to the doctors and get it checked out though just to be on the safe side.

Thanks for the reply and sorry to hear that, mine sound like nothing compared to those can't even imagine. I'll keep some aspirin at hand not something we keep I was thinking of going to docs but hate waiting. :hairpull:
Never had one before went to see star wars last night (excellent film my new favourite after the Empire) then came home, was finishing off the end of Arkham Knight in my Pc started to get a massive headache both front side of my head like I've never had before. Thinking back my eyes were struggling in the dark driving last night. Had to stop my game as I started to feel sick thought it was something I had eaten and had got food poisoning. Went to bed was burning up and sweating all over window open wide pillow over eyes lights coming and going back and forth, fell asleep after about 30 mins for about 15mins woke up and felt drained but a lot better. This morning have my sunglasses on as it's very bright here and feel exhausted.

I'm strongly guessing this is a migraine as 2 ibuprofen and 2 paracetamols did not touch it. I sympathise with anyone who suffers from these as it was not a fun experience, not just a bad headache as I've always thought they were
got my first migraines at 53... resulting in slurred speech, unable to move quickly, jagged bright lines across the vision, fatigue. Dark and quiet, for a period of just a few minutes if i'm lucky a day if i'm not, gets rid of it.
Suffered with migraine for years... even to extent of having to carry an ?Immigran pen?

Notably much worse after a Diving weekend... I always blamed the post dive Bass in the Dolphin!

Got a "bend" on the Elk... spent some time in decompression at DDRC Derriford.

Discovered I had a PFO... well a 10mm hole in the heart... now fixed I do not now get migraine.....

just the odd headache caused by irresponsible people who think they are the only ones who should keep bees here in

Yeghes da
Got my first batch over a four week period a couple of years ago aged mid fifties
Presented with pre migrain aura, zig zags and central scotoma.
Twigged after a bit it they always came on after chewing sugar free gum..aspartame is reported to have a link.
Stopped the chewing gum and no more migraines
Get a medical check up and eye test for visual fields
Luckily I have grown out of the headaches and now just get visual migraines, I can't see what I am looking at, just round the edges, opposite of tunnel vision! When I used to get them as a teenager I used to think I was going blind. Now a quiet fifteen minutes and my sight is back to normal. All I am left with is a tight forehead. My sympathies to those just getting them in middle age. I find sugar at the first sign helps, then a quiet dark room.
I can go years without one and then a couple within weeks. Cold wind on my head brings them on......long live bobble hats!
I had them about that age, it felt like two hot pokers in my eyes and then I discovered I needed glasses, now i don't get them anymore.
I had my first in my early thirties and get about one a year, and so far always in the same way. I get nausea, vomiting, impaired vision, bad headache behind one eye - all of which comes on shortly after getting into work!

Painkillers don't touch it, I find that a few hours in a dark room is the only thing that helps.
aspartame is reported to have a link

Yes.... evil stuff for some reason seems to be in too many food stuffs.


Yeghes da
I have a book on every possible chemical that could trigger a Migraine, i stopped eating just about everything that could trigger, but i still kept getting very bad Migraine attacks over the years, i put it down to stress, be it good stress or bad stress that is all i can put it down too, i was getting them that bad at one point i was told to go for a MRI Scan but i bottled it after hearing of someone carcking it through an allergic reaction to the dye that they put into your body, like i said earlier good old Aspirin saved the day for me, i believe the reason being that it thins your blood and helps the flow of blood through the narrowed vessel in the back of your brain that causes the symptoms.
One of the most common triggers is dehydration...just not drinking enough...water that is!
Interesting that this thread was started at this time of year.

Rich and unusual foods and drinks. Can also be stressful.
I don't think this monitor is helping tried not to use it too much the last few days. I haven't used it a lot over the past few months as I generally used my tablet but had a few games to finish off in my hols. Think I might tame the brightness down a bit as its a 27" and I'm only 2-3ft away from it. not had much stress this xmas, only food I've had out of the norm is a few mince pies I made, hate the taste of aspartame it disgusting wont touch anything with it in rather go without. Dehydration not really much change of that usually drink about 3 pints of water a day. I don't drink alcohol coffee is a suspect but have drunk less of it. Tiredness and driving in the dark are not my forte I struggle seeing properly with either.

Thanks all for your input has some very useful info.

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