1st March

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Queen Bee
Feb 16, 2010
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Dydd Gwyl Dewi hapus i pawb
Happy ST Davids day all
But is it really Welsh? "hapus" means happy. Is it a coincidence the two words are simliar or was it until the English arrived the Welsh did not have a word for being happy because they were always permanently miserable?

(I speak as someone married to a Welshwomen. Well, currently married...)
But is it really Welsh? "hapus" means happy. Is it a coincidence the two words are simliar or was it until the English arrived the Welsh did not have a word for being happy because they were always permanently miserable?

(I speak as someone married to a Welshwomen. Well, currently married...)

Does it even matter? :rolleyes: who cares...
But is it really Welsh? "hapus" means happy. QUOTE]

Hasn't it crossed you mind that maybe the word hapus was around before the word happy.
Remember this language was kicking around the British isles before the saxons came over :D but who cares - living languages develop and adapt - borrowing a word from another language has been around for centuries.
The word telephone is greek, video latin and so on ad nauseum.
Anyone know the French word for deja-vu ?:banghead:
I'll shut op now - sounding a bit pedantic!
If a language does not borrow or make new words like then it's likely to become a dead language.... init fella, ai tis tha blad! < isn't that how the cool kids talk these days?

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