19th April - Inspected all four hives

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While the sun was out I took the opportunity to inspect all hives. No 1 has a bit of chalk brood on one of the frames and several mummies on the floor by the entrance. There were 6 frames of bias and four frames with stores plus another frame of foundation being drawn out. I put a new super on without qe so they can have access to draw the foundation. I will monitor the chalkbrood and consider a queen change.
No 2 had 8 frames of bias with stores on the remaining frames and the newly drawn super starting to be stocked with nectar. I will make up another super and put it on below the qe tomorrow in this hive. No sign of chalkbrood and the comb and cappings look good.
No 3 had 6 frames of bias and 4 frames with stores plus a frame of foundation partly drawn. I put a super on this hive too as osr is in full flower not far away.
No 4 is definitely the weakest hive. Only four frames of bias although good honey arches and pollen. The comb there is looks healthy but not enough of it. The bees are slow to expand so I moved it forwards and sideways a couple of feet. I will repeat this a few times so the hive can enjoy sunshine a couple of hours longer each day.
I put the varroa boards in on all hives and will check in a few days for mite drop.
All hives have some drone brood but no sign of queen cells.

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