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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. D

    25mm insulation board

    Have heard of people varnishing the inside wonder if varnished at the seam would it prevent them chewing there when doubled up.Have you made full sized brood boxes,how successfull was that?
  2. D

    25mm insulation board

    Lancs lad and Polyhive is there much of an issue with the bees chewing the inside of the boxes you made?
  3. D

    Heated uncapping knife

    The 220v one is £24 delivered.Thanks again for replies.
  4. D

    Heated uncapping knife

    Cheers found a 220 version of that one.The one that you had was it well tested by you?
  5. D

    Heated uncapping knife

    Mbc checked Paynes and they don't seem to sell the heated knife anymore.Could anyboby who has found a reliable heated knife please tell me where they got it.Would most of the heated knives not be made in China anyway?
  6. D

    Heated uncapping knife

    Thanks for replies.Yes Enrico have just contacted them.
  7. D

    Heated uncapping knife

    Yes.Which one should I have bought?
  8. D

    Heated uncapping knife

    I bought a heated uncapping knife on ebay it worked for about an hour and now it continually trips the trip switches in the house.Has anyone else had this problem?
  9. D

    Kaptar hive lifter

    Thank you for reply I tried the email address on their site but the email was rejected,didn't send.Can you even give a ballpark figure?
  10. D

    Kaptar hive lifter

    Has anyone go one of these or similar and could tell me what they think of them?Where did you get it and how much does it cost?
  11. D

    Kaptar Hive Lifter

    How much do these cost and where did you get it from?I checked out the link but the email I sent an email but it wasn't delivered.
  12. D

    A Winter project for the forum?

    "That's a very different project, and I rather think that Pete and Murray are too busy to have the time for filming. Proper filming (having done two shorts myself with the BBC) is incredibly time consuming. Five minutes can take a full day to achieve." Polyhive what I'm suggesting could be done...
  13. D

    A Winter project for the forum?

    This is the type of thing I mean would be interesting to know how long this took to make.
  14. D

    Is this a joke

    He should make a few videos of someone teaching him how to be a beekeeper.
  15. D

    A Winter project for the forum?

    That is a very good idea.I did an II course with Michael Collier a few years ago and a guy on the course had spent years working at Buckfast in Brothers Adams time he claimed that there was another film of Adam going through hives and explaining exactly what he was looking for.Made me think it...
  16. D

    Is this a joke

    Jenkins please watch the rest of it you will not believe what your seeing.A friend asked me about the flow hive and I said I would check out and see if I could find a video about it.
  17. D

    Is this a joke

    The total incompentence of the beekeeper and then posting it on youtube for novice beekeepers to see for a start.
  18. D

    Is this a joke
  19. D

    Sublimox o ring size

    Only ever made two one for myself and one for Hivemaker.Pete encouraged me to have a stab at making one and helped with all measurements and even took the thing apart at one stage and spent time taking temperature measurements.The part that took the longest was getting the temperature correct...
  20. D

    Sublimox o ring size

    Made my own sublimox gadget and use these rings order the correct size for yours £3.80 for ten.