25mm insulation board

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
For many years I used a Du Pont product but seemingly due to building regs now they no longer sell the 25mm thick size.

Might anyone know of a reasonably dense 25mm board on the market as my searches are not coming up with anything useful and I want to make a number of nucs over the winter.

That's the material with the foil on both sides?

I am looking for a denser board as I want to be able to machine it.

You want styrofoam rtm-x. The nucs I made from it are now eight years old and still going
That's the stuff I want yes but.... it's now in min of 5omm or so my searching says.

That's the stuff I want yes but.... it's now in min of 5omm or so my searching says.

Try SIG insulation they stock all sizes, I use 30mm for nucs and crown boards and 50 mm for making roofs and floors, and use Stixall for gluing every thing together. I get mine from SIG Manchester.
I am looking to make nucs and nuc brood boxes and need firm material to do this with.

D.Mitchel had great success making full sized nationals from 50mm Kingspan..i have not seen him on here for a while but he has pictures somewhere..i made some wooden hive cosies a few years back in a similar way and they where very sturdy and durable..
Yes indeed but the 25 is more than adequate and far less chunky than the 50.

I have a line on some but the minimum order is £500 and I could buy everything I need for that from a maker. Or I can buy 600 x 600 but the wastage would be uneconomic too. *ponders*


Do I detect the possible development of a new poly nuc design? Or are you just making them because it's something fun to do in the winter?
Cheap(ish) PIR insulation boards, including 25mm

I have bought stuff from these guys, both first and second quality, for both building work and for insulating my hives. They are based not very far from the Kingspan factory, but they also stock Celotex and other.

LOL Steve there are enough bad designs out there without me going down that route.

No, I am going to make double broods for my existing poly nucs and once the saw is set it's very simple to make as many as you want.

My intention is to run two separate sites. One for honey only and the other for nucs. The only cross over will be the queen-rearing, or rather the cell starting which will need bee power for the feeding visits. The nucs I keep in Spring will provide the material for expanding the numbers.

Lancs lad and Polyhive is there much of an issue with the bees chewing the inside of the boxes you made?
I have ekes that are some years old now... ten or more and they sit on the bees far longer than supers. I put them on in Jan after the trickle and they sit there through to April or late March and I can't say they have been tunnelled at all.

My new material arrived on Thursday this week. Looks and feels exactly the same as the old stuff. I can't get to grips with it yet as I am in the middle of reorganising the garage into more of a workshop and the box of material is sitting on top of the new saw at the moment.

12 sheets cost some £125 rather more than I had thought seeing the price on the page at £88 I think it was but they added a stonking £25 carriage which to me is in rip off country.

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