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  1. Rosti

    food hygiene certificate

    Susbees, I have reviewed your posts and would advise as follows: 1. Registration. I work within technical & compliance roles in the short shelf life, high risk end of the food industry, as such I have not had to consider minimum criteria for registration. I haven't heard of the criteria you...
  2. Rosti

    Warning - cloned website BBKA

    perhaps we are all helping him? He is counting hits, so perhaps all the activity is a ploy to make a sales pitch to the bbka to purchase the domain off him and ensure all interested surfers find their way to the bbka? Whilst he makes a quick buck through selling on of course.
  3. Rosti

    Bee suit colours

    Dark, large, standing on back legs, carbon dioxide plume coming from mouth, must be a bear after our honey! You'll not win an argument against millions of years of genetic imprinting! Prepare to be stung :D
  4. Rosti

    food hygiene certificate

    I would not bother doing it again, but I would make sure that my HACCP is robust, goes overboard at the risk assesment stage in such a way that it acts as a demonstration of your acrued knowledge and is supported by a critical flow to demonstrate inclusive understanding. Add a supplementary...
  5. Rosti

    food hygiene certificate

    suggest you read it again in the context of the question asked originally and my scoping of the demonstration of knowledge associated with all 3 HACCP risk evaluation criteria. AKA physical includes e.g. foreign bodies. No absolute requirement for external training. But there is an absolute...
  6. Rosti

    food hygiene certificate

    Depends what level you have Craig? The higher levels do not expire anyway. without prejudice My view is as follows. The basic food hygiene certs are largely aimed at small time catering establishments restuarants etc. You don't do cooked chilled etc and repeating the course is therefore...
  7. Rosti

    food hygiene certificate

    without prejudice. No, primary agriculture specifically excluded under EC 178/2002. If you gave away some unwashed potatoes then no. If you washed them, probably required, if you boiled them definately required! But it would be a churlish enforcement officer who pursued this unless you we...
  8. Rosti

    food hygiene certificate

    Quick answer is NO - but read on The various levels of IEHO Food Hygiene certificates are a convenient and widely recognised form of food safety training but there is no absolute requirement for a business to seek external training support if that business employs food safety specialists that...
  9. Rosti

    Eke plans for 14x12

    You can buy 92mm x 18mm pine planking from B&Q for not much at all. If you feel the urge you can do flashy corner joints, alternatively you can just butt joint and glue. 6 pices per eke, including the internal fill-ins. At 2.4m a plank for about £5 you need to make as multiples of 2 and at...
  10. Rosti

    Winter Bean VS OSR

    Since the chance of a season overlap is low which ever OSR we are talking about perhaps your choice is simpler. Assuming your hive wont have access to both in the same flight radius and you don't want to move them mid season. Do you want to harvest crunchy hard flavoursome stuff (OSR) or...
  11. Rosti

    Too cold to move

    Can happen, did happen to me last year. 2 of 4 hives died through isolation but with good stores available. This on 14x12's OMF + top insulation. Both looked like they had drifted up and to an edge with no where left to go. Therapy is going quite well, thanks for asking.
  12. Rosti

    Do my bees need feeding?

    :iagree: With regard your fondant question I think it is a shot to nothing. With only two hives you can't afford to loose one. A slab of fondant on top of a QE or above a feeding hole with good insultaion around and above can do no harm IMO but could do a great deal of good. Worst case if not...
  13. Rosti

    Did the Oxalic Acid at....

    I am assuming you actually have an 11 frame std national BB? 4 frames on a -5'C morning and a tight cluster feels OK to me! More to the point where were they clustering and what are stores like?
  14. Rosti

    When to treat with Oxalic Acid?

    I agree Rae, Bit the bullet today given in North Yorks we have had the first half decent frost since? (well actually I can't remember). Nothing to be done if things had gone south but pleased to see 6/6 still going strong and one of those was a swarm hived sept11 in a 6 frame 14x12 nuc (though...
  15. Rosti

    Swarm catcher

    not worthy I have always regarded him as the deepest thinker amongst the Thunderbird pilots. Given his interest it's a pity we didn't see animatronic bees in at least one of the episodes though.
  16. Rosti

    Feeder design

    The Doc has nailed it. Make your Millers with a 3mm bottom gap, place it at right angles to the main slope, minimal wasted syrup, no escaping bees. If you still have a problem then suggest you switch threads from 'feeder design' to 'how to build and level a hive stand'!:reddevil: Whats all the...
  17. Rosti


    You should not and do not need to freeze fondant. 1. It has such a low water activity that bugs cannot grow in it so there is no risk of microbial spoilage, hence no need to slow / stop microbial metabolism and provided it is in a cool dry place no physical 'quality' advantage to freezing 2...
  18. Rosti

    best swarm lure

    Combination of 3 manky old brood frames and some lemon grass, the manky old frames being more important than the lemon grass! Also consider: (what works for me anyway) box size - not too small - Std nat as min but 14x12 ideally space in bait hive - only 3 frames, 1 central and 1 at each edge...
  19. Rosti

    Swarm collection and insurance

    MM, I think this very much depends on perspective. I don't have insurance other than the 3rd party BBKA. I would not put myself in a position where injury is a significant possibility or where my experience means I could be a danger to myself or others. Beekeeping is a hobby for me, not an...
  20. Rosti

    Feeder design

    I dont think you have to be restrictive or make a choice on gap. I have now made 5 millers and the design has evolved a little. The main point is that if you make the outer boards removeable then you can change gaps / take out completely / block off that side depending on what you want to do. I...