1. Spend a little time to effectively hang a frame with queen excluder on the front of your hive then open and close it every day.
2. Spend a amount of money with a big supplier to effectively do the same as #1.
3. Spend a little time and money to use some skill to get it to open and close automatically, neglectomatic fashion, as much as an exercise in Heath Robinson as serious project.
4. Spend little time putting a queen excluder under the box then sweep out the dead drones when you eventually take it out.
5. Clip your queens and mark them so that you don't have to look harder when you need to find her.
6. Talk about the problem at great length while doing nothing.
Take your pick, it's a free choice.
Virgil just assumed that their leaders were reges and not reginae!!!
Great stuff isn't it... Discovered Virgil yesterday when mum, resenting Fifa on the PS3, said that I'd find it interesting - can bear Latin when it's got beekeeping in it!!!
I have always regarded him as the deepest thinker amongst the Thunderbird pilots. Given his interest it's a pity we didn't see animatronic bees in at least one of the episodes though.
That's about right DrS. Either a lot of runty queens about or a lot of misconceptions among new beeks.
I'll put my hand up to having that particular misconception.
Is it far then to say that a decent healthy queen should never be able to pass through a QX?
"I have always regarded him as the deepest thinker amongst the Thunderbird pilots. Given his interest it's a pity we didn't see animatronic bees in at least one of the episodes though."
No - but i'm sure that there was an episode of Joe 90 where the 9 year old boy genius is flummoxed during his Basic when the old duffer from the BBKA (smoking a pipe, in 3 piece tweed suit and with no veil) asks him the latin name for AFB!!!!!